Be me

>be me
>5’2 cis male
>really want a petite boymoder gf
>every boymoder I’ve talked to is way taller than me
It’s not fair…

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i'm rlly sorry user. i wish i was shorter than u so badly or that we could trade heights. i hate being 5'6" like this it's horrible

Rip, im sorry user, alot of people consider me a really short boymoder and im only 5'6, good luck my friend.

Dominating a taller woman than you is hot as fuck tho. It’s like yeah you’re taller than me so you have even further to fall. I’m 6’ Trans woman the guy I’m with is shorter but it’s hot Af for both of us

holy shit user
>t. 5'5" boymoder

there are no trannies under 6'0, get used to the feeling.

I don't date anyone unless they're older and taller than me.
>t. top

I'm 5'4 represisng tranny who wants the same and have same problem

i would easily date short men if you weren't all spineless cucks going on about your height

why are you so vicious?

its just the truth user, dating insecure people is exhausting

does that mean ive ascended to cis girl?

t. 5' 2" youngshit trans girl

and I thought I was short being 5'5...

im a 5'2 troon that needs a bf to take me into his country but u bein this short is an absolute deal breaker, i would pinkpill you to troon out desu

>5’2 cis male
>anime image
maybe we should switch places

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what country are you from? Where do you want to get?

i live in germany rn, in a small town full of boomers where im the only troon. i used to live in berlin but i didnt like it better either. i never liked it here in general (too many reasons to list this all down here really) hence wanting to move.

as for where to move, im fine with most places honestly, ideally is usa or inside some comfy eu country like denmark, ireland or luxembourg or netherland, but generally most places are fine, seeing more of the world would be nice in general.

my dream and goal in life was always start a new life in a new country, where i can finally change my gender and name and will be accepted as transgirl. i also always wanted a partner cause i dont enjoy living alone. having someone import me and be their housewife would be ideal scenario.

I am like 5'3'' on a good day lol

yeah, enjoy being objectively superior to every tranny ever

I'm also from germany, you can be my wife and we'll move together, since i also want to change things in my life.
Strange that you disliked Berlin, i think it's a very interesting place to live

>tfw 6'2" girlmoder with 6'4" bf
You people are tiny lmao

>24836887 (OP) #


Not for anything, but for the fact that height is a god damn requirement in your fetish as well they have to be insecure about showing their transition.

Being so particular you will not allow for natural attraction to just spring up on you and God forbid you find someone who meets that standard and you creep them out with obsessive swxuality.

learn a skill where you can work remotely (programming etc) . save money, move to thailand. thai women will marry any white man and it's dirt cheap