Why are transgirls so into /x/ stuff like witchcraft and astrology? Is it because they want to mimic women...

Why are transgirls so into /x/ stuff like witchcraft and astrology? Is it because they want to mimic women? I thought they were supposed to be high IQ.

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high iq people are more less religious but more esoteric spiritual

And where did you come up with that from?

thats because most high iq people are genuinely retarded in everything except moving around shapes

I do Tarot readings and the like, but I explain that it's using broad yet powerful symbols to aid intuition and cold reading. This makes Christian fundamentalists less likely to freak out, which is a plus, but it's also more or less what I think.

>Is it because they want to mimic women?
>I thought they were supposed to be high IQ.
There's nothing high IQ in believing things like astrology.
So in a way it's like a civilized person acting like an ape.

are they? I haven't found many.
t. transgirl obsessed with occultism

I can't find any who aren't obsessed with this stuff and are reasonable in any manner.

Being a tranny is pretty incompatible with religion. At that point, you either become spiritual and woowoo bc of rabbit hole pontification/escapism or an atheist with a hard on for science because of needing something solid to cling to. Sometimes both.

You have a low IQ if you can't understand how changing location can affect how you develop.
That's literally all astrology says: the neighborhood you grow up in affects who you become.

wrong. Christianity aligns with trannyism well

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>That's literally all astrology says: the neighborhood you grow up in affects who you become.
I don't want to pretend I know about astrology but you are dumb and that's not what anyone anywhere says astrology is about.

can you please tell me where do you find them, I have an only tranner occultism discord server and I need new cult members

read the didache. "do not be an interpreter of omens, for it leads the way to idolatry"

So does that mean if I'm the more aggressive type of androgynous (pronounced powerful masc features, pronounced soft fem features), I'm in some sort of satanic "enflamed opposition"?

why would it mean that

I was kidding about the cult stuff, it's just a normal server for sharing spiritual and magick stuff, didn't know about the Didache, thanks for sharing.

:^) love ya

Astrology and witchcraft are both bullshit

I must be a magnet for them because every one that I add from here or talk to are all into it. I hate that shit.

HSTS are into astrology because they are low IQ and women are into that shit. AGP are not into that shit because they are high IQ and men.