Why are diaper trannies so fucking cute?

Why are diaper trannies so fucking cute?

Attached: krinkly.jpg (540x586, 55.2K)

>filling my diapers
Excuse me?

she is horrifyingly ugly and that's is beyond degenerate, please do a flip.

lol a normie HSTS doesn't know about AGP diaperniggers yet


Attached: angry soyjak.jpg (1080x1020, 71.68K)

>The bar for the new normal has moved

She's a useful idiot. Let her be. The more these degenerates push themselves in the spotlight, the less weird normal Trannies look in the eyes of the public.

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Attached: 20220305_174238.jpg (720x960, 78.8K)

I would unironically buy that if I saw it in a shop


Am convinced now diaper faggotry is a sign of being more on the low functioning end of autism specterum

Attached: 1646303966813.png (400x400, 13.51K)

day by day Im becoming more and more homophobic, transphobic and biphobic

This was discussed earlier today:

that entity looks uncanny in the picrel

I am a diaper tranner and I'm diagnosed with high functioning autism

Are you as open, shameless and exhibitionist about it as the diaperfag here

>posting to a social media account meant for others in you're community to see
are you retarded?

Fine then its still open and shameless

on the internet yeah, but nobody irl but my gf knows about it

>but nobody irl but my gf knows about it
thats better than most, if its private to that extent its cool

>>>was discussed
>six posts
get crapped on
