Are there any groups worse than lesbians, transbians and straight ftms?

are there any groups worse than lesbians, transbians and straight ftms?

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Gay men, straight mtfs, and gaydens


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>noooo you cant be attracted to women

>straight men
nothing wrong with being attracted to women

No, all the members of the categories you wrote are insufferable people. They confuse being manly with being dicks. There still are some girly lesbians that are actually nice to talk to, they are fine

Lesbians mainly date lesbians since they are between the most insecure people on this planet, why would I even care

Bet your attraction to cis men is clouding you user
All gynophiles are fucked in the head

>nooo you cant not be attracted to men how else will i fuck you

>straight men
>attracted to men
Are you slow?

of course OP likes straight men he is one

I want nothing more in life than an AAP ftm bf


Cry more, bitch

Point proven

Keep saying that to yourself, you marica

Twitter “MAPs”

I already said transbians


I dont get why lezzers feel the need to be so obnoxiously aggressive all the time with their sexuality. We get it, you think this is how men act and it will get you straight girl pussy and youre showing how super angry and hard you are. Why cant they just calm down and be more chill?

OP might be a gayden considering gaydens often have the weirdest hate boners for lesbians, transbians, and straight ftms (who are actual men, unlike them).

The carpetmunchers I've met was pretty chill. I've never met a tranny. The couple of faggots I know hate the whole lgbtq...


You're not a girl, unqualified opinion

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Oh, I don't need to, you are showing other people yourselves. Don't worry, one day you'll get over your penis envy

You are exactly the kind of """woman""" I picture when I hear anything to do with lesbians

Forgot to talk about the unicorns and leprechauns

There's just something so masturbatory about being a lesbian. They have that whole male feminist vibe, where virtue signal constantly to hide their complete sociopathy. They deserve the scourge of transbians that have descended on them, especially because they act like a mirror, reflecting the lesbians own worst qualities back onto them
I'm a cis bisexual male

No pussy, no opinion, you faggot

You are not a men or a real woman, speaking right revoked

Keep crying you little gay shit, maybe one day you won't grow moral

And there you go, already butthurt and mad, now you can go to your pretend-boyfriend and cry about it

this non-binary shit is too cringe

Look who's getting mad uh, even assuming that all replies come from OP, nice

God forbid I get close to a dick, you go you little fag

>They deserve the scourge of transbians that have descended on them, especially because they act like a mirror, reflecting the lesbians own worst qualities back onto them

This is an astute observation. They hate them so much because they know thats exactly who they are themselves.

No left in power no mercy

It's fine to be trash, you shouldn't get upset so easily, just own it and better yourself

Perhaps you should learn how to speak English before attempting to communicate with us. Or revert to your own barbaric language if you wish.

As I said up some lesbians are actually chill and their company is enjoyable, and coincidentally they are the ones that don't try to imitate what they wrongly think is masculinity. Also the ones I spoke to actually agreed with me and said that they like women and they wanna be with one, not a girl acting like a cringey guy