Man, Idaho really does not like you faggots lmao

Man, Idaho really does not like you faggots lmao

Attached: haha what.png (1080x1839, 1.34M)

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The US is not far off from going full Russia in 6 years with some authoritarian.

Attached: Alter 9979.jpg (564x718, 57.34K)

yeah we're fucked

>neoliberal country prides itself on its constitutional rights
>literally bans speech that the state disagrees with

We need to actually do the FEMA camp authoritarian communist takeover that retarded rightoids always accuse us of plotting.

It seems like this stuff is all happening out of nowhere for some reason

grandpas finally got the news about what young people are doing, run the world

Its mostly that Republicans understand that the current Democratic Party will do absolutely nothing about it. Biden's promise isn't to revitalize the country, it's to just shrug and say, "Sorry, Jack, the empire's dying, you just gotta accept that."

It’s fine. They’re being invaded by Californians, so their attitudes are not long for this world (cali libs suck too but just saying)

>out of nowhere

Russia is the new Hitler


Attached: 1642532779617.jpg (1920x1080, 850.86K)

>the picrel

looks like candy to me

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a response to some of the migration to TX and FL. Discourage blue voters from coming and fucking up a good thing Rs have going for themselves.

I got it from wallpaper Any Forums.

We have some gay people here in Idaho, nobody cares or makes a big deal about it.

The only time people here are really exposed to lgbt stuff is the news showing pictures of degenerates at pride parades and Drag Queens reading books to kids turning out to be pedos.

Idaho's got the quiet polite homophobia, where if you follow social norms, nobody will fuck with you. However, I think a good deal of the parents and Mormons here are seeing shit in the news and it's bringing the latent homophobia to the surface.

A lot of the Californians we get say things like, "This place is great to raise a family." I'm thinking the Californians we're getting are the same type of people who don't want to raise there kids in Cali for that very reason. However, if Arizona is anything to go by, they will continue to vote for democrat economic policies.

That being said I've had a gay friend leave Idaho a long time ago because they didn't want to deal with the conservative culture, despite the fact that he had no trouble living here, and he hasn't exactly started living the BIG G A Y lifestyle once moving to Oregon. So we were already inhospitable to gays before.

I think its satanic panic from the news and internet.

the weird thing to me is it's obviously unconstitutional, right? or am I missing something

With this supreme court? Who knows what counts as “unconstitutional”?

i love the retarded insinuation that the SC is gonna allow banning gay speech after they literally mandated consititutional rights for trannies within the last like year or 2

>if you follow social norms, nobody will fuck with you.
ie if you cease to display strict social conformity at all times, even once, you'll get hatecrimed and they won't go to jail for it
its fucking idaho dude you dont have to pretend they dont hate queers

So in a roundabout way Rs are helping advance rights with their retarded laws?


>If passed into law, the bill would remove an exemption that protects libraries, schools, museums, colleges and universities and their employees for “disseminating material that is harmful to minors.”

So the law isn't unconstituional, its allowing people to sue schools for what they consider "harmful materiel"

It's up the courts to then take on a case and say, "No this book with a gay character isn't harmful to minors, go fuck yourself."

HOWEVER, if the institutions defending themselves have to pay legal fees, they might remove the material to prevent themselves from getting sued.

It's a bully law. Which is unfortunately very effective at censorship.

Guys i dont think they ever cared about free speech i think they just hate minorities

They like votes, and people love to hate

So it's cancel culture?