Any other ftms redpilled by the Ukraine vs Russia conflict...

Any other ftms redpilled by the Ukraine vs Russia conflict? It really hit home how horrible the draft is for all parties involved, and how society treats men without money or talent as dispensable cannon fodder. Women can and should participate in modern warfare, yet they're free to run across the boarder. I am by no means suggesting I'll detransition because of this. If anything, it has further solidified my manhood as I'd rather embrace my destiny to fight and die trying to put a bullet in Putin's brain than cower in fear at home, just helplessly waiting to get nuked. If the US enters the war, I'll probably enlist. Just curious if anyone else feels the same way.

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was already blackpilled but yea

imagine WANTING to die in a fake fucking dick measuring contest between russia and the us like ???

No lol
I already signed myself up for the draft, but if it really comes down to the US actively drafting people Im hopping that shit and fleeing to Mexico. No way Id die in a war for Biden

you will not feel so brave when the first round of 12.7mm cracks over your head

War bad

If the US, with its modern globe-ruling military and 1600 warhead strong nuclear arsenal ever needs a draft, it's over.

Imagine not being objectorpilled

>Zogged by Western media

unFATHOMABLY. Maybe you pooners really are men.
>and the us like
What, we barely did anything this conflict when we very well should've. Fuck are you on about.
Unamerican coward
Have it happen often enough and you'll get used to it. It's called Conflict-Dissociation or something like that, you just stop caring. Very based psychological response.

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i feel you came to the wrong conclusion here
>18,19, 20 y/o BOYS are pressed into service
>they should be going to school, learning how to use a condom, figuring out if they like girls or boys, planning outings w frens
>all able-bodied females aged 18-45 should also be also pressed into service to die horribly in some foreign land
everything is bullshit and it all kinda sucks desu

Ok retard commie. We don't live in fantasyland. War and conflict is necessary for peace and stability, simple as.

>implying the average russian is better off rn because of the invasion
>implying russian-speaking ukies are going to thank the occupation force on their hands and knees
>implying finns and swedes are supposed to react to threats of similar violence w glee
okay bugman negroid, it's obvious you missed the past century of useless misery, go drop bombs on families and be a real boy

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Retard I am God bless Ukraine

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Lol idc what the war is over, I will dodge any and all drafts periodt. This ain't "my country", I just live here. Any wars started by the devils in charge are not mine to fight. Fuck that. Im not gonna die or be mutilated or traumatized cause some old fuck wants to steal oil. Fuck them and fuck that.

So you'd die if the retard mango nigger were still in charge? You love one single man so much that you'd die for him? Actual unamerican commie trash, deport yourself out of this country or better yet stick a loaded revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger. Mexican immigrants that believe in American values belong here more than you do lmao.

i agree that defending your homeland is right and proper, and under honest circumstances coming to help is also good
but actively declaring an offensive war or """""""intervening"""""""" is a crock of bullshit and someone aught to be strung up by their toes for that

>hurr durr muh jewish propaganda
but let me guess, the Ukrainians are the real nazis.

And choosing to fight in a war that has nothing to do with you is not "manly" its stupid. You're buying into retarded propaganda and gender roles. If you wanna be a man, fuck it, shoot up T and do it, but fuck outta here with this retarded macho drivel. Youre just as much of a man as any other guy. Being dumb enough to walk into a war zone because you fell for the lies government psychos spin you doesn't make you a man. And stop fucking larping with your putin assassination fantasies.

Bruh i have no idea wrf you're talking about. I think liberal and conservative politicians are both subhuman devils who should be shot on site, idgaf about orange man or sleepy joe, they both need to be killed and I have no allegiance to either. Go backing to schlicking to your boy love manga and calm tf down. You're trying so fucking hard rn its comical.

Lmao dude, the US starts shit to steal resources. The people there don't need us to invade their land and would be better off if we didnt. No ones invading us. What fucking reason do we have to fight the governments wars for them? didn't. Fucking lapping lmao

It’s funny when ftms try to overcompensate at being male. I would leave the US before I would go to war for Ukraine.
t. cismail

I'm used to hearing the same trumpie/bernie dicksucking on this shit board so much that I make assumptions. Though you're still a faggot coward either way
Ukraine cannot defend itself on its own and they are our close ally. It is our duty to defend them from balding landgrabbers, and if not that, at the very least to defend our NATO allies just behind Ukraine. Stationing our troops there from the very beginning would have prevented in fact prevented war, but absolute anti-"war" cucks within our voterbase were too pussy to actually go through with it and here we are. Now we've got to deal with 4-7 million Ukranian refugees looking for a new home because of this shit foreign policy.

>'m used to hearing the same trumpie/bernie dicksucking on this shit board so much that I make assumptions. Though you're still a faggot coward either way
Ok mr tough guy. I couldn't care less what you think. Youre still a retard for throwing away your life to fight a war for the government. Like lmao, how do you not see the propaganda shit you're spouting right now? Like honestly, how does someone become an adult and not see that the government is not to be trusted?? Lmao. Like im honestly curious to know how your brain justifies this shit to yourself.

>they are our close ally.
no they arent fuck off retard i aint dying for some fat alcoholic ukrainian nazis. I DONT CARE think about real life and get laid faggot

Maybe those "anti war cucks" feel that way because every single fucking time this country has gone to war or otherwise got involved in foreign affairs, it was actually just an attempt to meddle in other people's business and steal their resources. Even if the government sends out troops to Ukraine, it will not be to protect Ukraine, it will be to ensure we can keep stealing their resources. Thats literally it. Is that seriously something you support? Are you even aware that this is how the government operates?

Seems like this roastie is more of a man than you'll ever be
>muh oil wars
Actually mentally disabled. Read a single book summarizing the Afghanistan/Iraq conflicts and you'd actually realize how much of a blind, uneducated idealogue you really are.

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will someone draw a pooner talking about how masculine going to war and dying is while seriously holding a toy gun with a flag sticking out of the muzzle, juxtapositioned against a cis guy?

This, if being a conscientious objector makes me fembrained than fuck it, i’m fembrained and i guess so is Bob Dylan

I agree with you but for a different reason. I feel like it’s less about a distrust of the government and more along the lines of valuing myself more than some abstract notion like “government” or “nation” to not want to die over such things.

>Read a single book
>implying communist/anarchist hippies know how to read

>Actually mentally disabled. Read a single book summarizing the Afghanistan/Iraq conflicts and you'd actually realize how much of a blind, uneducated idealogue you really are
>implying the government gives a single solitary fuck about anything but getting more money and resources
Do you know anything about how the world works? Like, dude, your whole valor fantasy is nice and all, but if you go to bat for Ukraine, you are throwing your life away for something that has nothing to do with you. If you care this much about protecting them, why don't you sign up to be a volunteer right now? What's stopping you?


>I'm smarter because I don't trust the government. Oh btw I'm a libertarian who also doesn't believe in public schooling and public roads.
>get laid
Says the inbred Any Forumsbrowsing Russian-propaganda-spouting neet who hasn't left their room in months.
>it will not be to protect Ukraine, it will be to ensure we can keep stealing their resources.
This meme again. Incredible.

Call me a commie or whatever all you want, I dont claim any of these retarded political labels. The only point im making is that youre dumb and you're ideas are dumber. Thats all.

LARPing about how you’ll totally kill those ebil Russians won’t make you grow a penis. You’re right about people being uninformed about past US conflicts, but them being less black and white than “muh oil” doesn’t make me want to die for memes.

>If you care this much about protecting them, why don't you sign up to be a volunteer right now? What's stopping you?
nta, but the US is literally not sending troops in the first place.

youre such a woman

Very true.
Someone post that one pic of the anti-work tranny lmao. The jokes write themselves.

>I'm smarter because I don't trust the government. Oh btw I'm a libertarian who also doesn't believe in public schooling and public roads

Lmao thanks for the laugh. Im calling you a dumb ass because thats Any Forums speak, i don't think you're actually unintelligent, just delusional and chasing after something for no reason. So you're acting like a dumb ass.

No idea what you're talking about with the libertarian shit or roads or whatever, but its very telling of the kind of person you are that all of your insults are just whatever political labels come to mind that describe any ideology besides your own.

>Call me a mammal or whatever you want, I don't claim any of these retarded taxonomical labels
--some random homo sapiens, somewhere

>took a war for you to get redpilled
ftms really are just retarded women.