In order for "trans" to exist it would mean that men and women are separate entities. The same goes for straight...

In order for "trans" to exist it would mean that men and women are separate entities. The same goes for straight, lesbian, gay, or bisexual preferences.

In order for men and women to be separate entities, it would mean that they have attributes that the other cannot have.

Therefore, it would be impossible for transition to occur.

If all men are women, and all men are women, based upon how they feel, then men and women do not exist as separate entities and therefore also cannot be transitioned between.

"Transgender" literally cannot exist if men and women exist as separate genders.

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This is some of the most retarded shit I've read today
Good job user

You weird feminists are so funny.

Please. Keep coping.

There's only one reason why a woman would need to be classified as a "trans woman." That reason being the person was not a woman at one point. If there exists a system that deems what is a man and what is a woman, then to be "trans" is not possible.

In order for "trans" to exist as a classification, it would mean, inherently, that all men can be women, and all women can be men. Ergo, "men and women" do not exist as separate entities and cannot be transitioned between.

>"two things are different and thus one can never become the other"
That is incredibly retardbrained you should probably get screened for autism

correct. everyone is in fact a women. "maleness" is a microdeletion syndrome

That's not what I said.

I said if all men can be women at any moment, and all women can be men at any moment, then men and women are not separate entities and cannot be transitioned between.

Holy fucking shit you're stupid

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Yah you're saying some really stupid stuff you should probably go touch grass and realize that you're being a fucking retard

Sex is trans.
Gender is fluid.
Grow the fuck up.

> If there exists a system that deems what is a man and what is a woman, then to be "trans" is not possible.
If this exists and intentionally creates guidelines by which one can change their classification, it would exist though.

If "trans" people exist, that means that all men can be women, and all women can be men.

How is that stupid?

Is it just stupid because it shows that being trans makes no sense, because it shows that every single male can be female and every single female can be male? And therefore shows that there is no gender binary, and no transitioning?

Lol? Please keep coping angrily and calling me stupid.

>In order for "trans" to exist as a classification, it would mean, inherently, that all men can be women, and all women can be men.
congrats user! you’ve broken the code! it’s almost as if these titles and labels mean nothing and can be applied in spite of biological reality without hurting anyone! you’ve solved the reason for supporting trans people!

Cum is man

>congrats user! you’ve broken the code! it’s almost as if these titles and labels mean nothing and can be applied in spite of biological reality without hurting anyone!

So you admit men, women, and therefore trans people, do not exist as separate entities?

Nonsensical brainworm

Holy shit youre dumb
No user you stupid fuck

SOMEONE hasn’t heard of the Sorites paradox

>titles and labels mean nothing

When a trans woman calls themselves "trans" instead of a woman, why do they do that?

This whole line of thought is disconnected from any tether to practical meaning or concrete reality. There are visual, physical, biological and hormonal differences between male and female, transitioning is the act of changing those markers as much as possible so that one could be seen and perceived as the opposite gender of their birth sex. Nothing in your argument addresses the obvious practicalities separating men and women and necessitating transition

If I can guess at the intention behind your argument, you're expecting an "A-ha!" moment where the trannies are FORCED to admit that there are concrete differences between men and women, as if they were not aware of it, as if they were not more hyper-aware of those differences than anyone else alive