How can i convince someone to love me

how can i convince someone to love me

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only a fool would want this


You dont.

Use charts. Pie graphs are especially visually appealing.

how can I manipulate someone to love me*

You dont.

you only like this person because you cant have it

Ah, that's a much better question. Are you already in the friend zone or is this someone you're stalking from afar?

what drugs can i take to feel like someone loves me while talking to stangers*

what person?
no I just can't make a connection and get bored

should I just date a bpd seems like good low hanging relationship fruit

Okay, so you're able to get dates but can't make a connection and want to fake it. What you need to do is craft a persona for yourself that is Confident, Complimentary, and Casual. You need to project an aura of confidence, make the other person feel good about themselves, and keep everything light and pleasant. This will manipulate their core emotions. They will want to be around you because you feel safe and make them feel good about themselves.

Then you need to love bomb them. This requires paying pretty close attention to what they like, what their interests are. Buy them small gifts that reflect these interests. Do they like the color blue and think alligators are neat? Buy them a blue stuffed alligator. Compliment them constantly. Show excitement when your interests overlap. You can pretend to have interest in furtherance of this. Talk casually about the future. If it's Decemember, talk about how much you're looking forward to Valentine's Day.

They will fall head over heels for you.

Also, unless you are a sociopath, eventually you will get exhausted being so fake and will start to resent how much work constantly love bombing them is, and your life will slowly turn into a sick, sad parody of a life as everything in it turns toxic because you're such a piece of garbage. But if you are a sociopath, you can ride this forever.

pretty sure i am antisocial yeah. my relationships have unironically been more stable the more ive leaned into just being like this. just worry about getting bored

The reason sociopaths can pull this off for a lifetime is because the relationship itself serves some grander purpose, such as displaying status, conforming to standards to gain social acceptance, or providing cover for a life of serial rape and murder.

So figure out why you want a relationship in which your partner only loves you because you're manipulating them into thinking you are someone you are not, figure out what the deeper motivation is there, and focus on that, and the manipulation won't get boring because you won't be seeking to get anything out of it and just maintaining it for its utilitarian value to your grander ambition.

Also, on the off chance you are a serial killer, do the right thing and kill yourself.

what if I want to date a serial killer?

Oh, you can't manipulate a serial killer into falling in love with you, they're incapable of love. I really have no idea how you'd even find one to date, they're very rare and the ones that aren't completely fucked in the head weirdos are even rarer. And even most of the ones that are stable enough to fake being normal are incredibly dull and bland. That's why they tend to marry pretty dimwitted, easily manipulated women.

Like Gary Ridgeway, the Green River Killer? Dude was married, held down a job for his entire adult life, owned his own home, and was by most standards of society a success. He was also one of the most prolific and successful serial killers, evading the police for decades while racking up a massive bodycount. Dude looked like an dumpy accountant, had an 80 IQ and the personality of a turnip. No idea why you'd want to date that, and that's basically the best you're going to get.

whoa whoa whoa settle down there i just said what if I *want* too I didnt say im not going to marry some precious dumb dumb who i can love and care for

Jordan Peterson, is that you? Medical grade psycho analysis right there.

its pretty based tbhon

Trust me, you don't want to have a short-term relationship with a serial killer. That will end badly.

Actually, I'm just describing the way a "bisexual" dude I knew on the dl managed his ever-revolving string of beards. He explained it all to me while I was sucking his dick. Real creep, but a great lay.

no BPDs suck you dry and then leave you and move onto the next short lived obsession

im a big girl. pretty personable too.

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Nope, this LARP just got too dark. I'm out.

nooo aha you're too smart come back