Best way to reject a chaser

What's the best way for an MTF to reject a chaser who wants some dick in his ass.

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say you like men not women

“no thanks”

Just let him do it you bitch!

Not all chasers want dick in ass

no its the chaser thats the bottom in this situation

And why would you reject him? Just because he wants dick in his ass from time to time? Enjoy dying alone faggot

I know. Just fuck his ass for him! Why is it so fucking hard?

"You're a disgusting male bottom get away from me"

yeah because some chasers are men
maybe she should troon out if she wants to be a bottom is all

Why are straight trannies so homophobic?

because she's into men not repping trans women

"I don't top."

ok hon, how about you go complain on your reddit forum

simply dont get hard and rub your 1" clit on his sphinter for 2 minutes

Not every bottom chaser is a tranny. We just like having out prostate tickled too!

Ok, keep suffering because you only attract married bottoms who'll gladly call you a faggot in front of his friends.

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sure thing sis, whatever you wanna believe
actually im asexual, so i dont really care, im just explaining why straight tranners dont like you

just say no. lmfao

I'm the gay from Malaysia,but at Malaysia,lgbtqia+ didn't have human rights,can anyone tell me jow to do.

don't care, just here to see bi bottoms crying over machismo and jotofobia again.

you mean repressing transbians?