Terfs and incels are both right in their own uniquely flawed ways and they're also the same kind of people facing...

terfs and incels are both right in their own uniquely flawed ways and they're also the same kind of people facing different directions. if they were to meet in the middle and talk to each other without judgement they would be surprised by how similar they are and their world view would expand tremendously. but this will never happen because lonely girls and lonely boys are the same and those emotional cripples never question anything on their own.

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youre right user
theyre like two lonely ends on a spectrum that is actually an almost-closed circle, theyre so close to touching yet so far apart


Terfs irl are stinky grad students. Incels irl are Elliot Rodger.

Theres a difference lmao

thanks, i am ftm btw

arent most terfs basically bitter femcels anyway?

yes, they are the same

TERFs are equal parts low value women and repressed trans men, incels are equal parts low value men and repressed trans women.

Lonely women don't exist. Any girl can have 1000+ men who would love to date her if she wanted.

heh.. i see why you would believe that user

Because it's self-evidently true?

lol, lmao even
>t. undesirable femcel repper

i've had girls tell me the exact opposite

>user, don't you know? even the most average and ugly guys can get gfs if they want too. it's so easy for them, i wish i was a boy

as i said before, you people are very similar

they should both be thrown in a meat grinder

That doesn't mean they're right just because they say that lmao. What's the method to get an easy gf if you're an average guy? Any girl can go on any dating app and get 100s of matches/messages as long as they are extremely disfigured or fucked up physically in some other way.

the user who said something along the lines of 'they're both right about the fact that you will never be a woman.' deleted his post out of shame

incels are not right and have not been right since they decided to sell out the movement to the ""trad"" political machine (mormon housewives, third world terraformers, ebook merchants) t. incel

How is it wrong?

i'll leave the conversation to you both.

since i'm neither an incel nor a femcel i'm also not the most fitting interlocutor to defend those arguments

Do you just know the easy method to get a gf? I would love to know and it's the only thing I really care about except feeling like I won le epic internet debate.

i no longer participate in romantic relationships for personal reasons though i had a few girlfriends as a teen

honestly, i always felt like women were kind of easy. give them affection and engage in shared interests. don't go for the loud, popular ones.

just focus on the individual, don't try to force romantic attraction and let it develop naturally. also, get used to the idea of having female friends since not every contact with a girl will lead to a relationship. sometimes a honest friendship is enough and being friends with girls can introduce you to others, one of them might be your ideal girlfriend.

most girls really like the idea of having a boyfriend because they are humans and humans want to be loved