/atg/ autistic tranner general

MTG is the most punchable whore of US edition.

last: All gender non-conforming people welcome

additional points for
>looking uncanny

QOTT: Do you consider yourself to be asexual?

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yea im asexual

Doing stuff online is hot, little risk and I have control over what happens. But irl I don't think I could have sex in the near future, I just don't think any potential future partner could see me as a woman and I hate the idea of having sex with the other person thinking of me as a man, so idk what's wrong with me.

I love to cum but actual penetration is boring and a little scary to me. I just like kink and BDSM shit a lot. Does that mean I'm ace?


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Autistic transwomen doesn't make sense. Autistic transmen makes absolute sense.

Use to think I was asexual, turns out it was PTSD that made me dislike sex or being touched and I still get weird about it at times. Like I don't like people touching my face because I assume you're going to hit me, still working on trying to fix that.

Are you going off something like extreme male brain theory, or something like prenatal testosterone?

>QOTT: Do you consider yourself to be asexual?
i dont know it's confusing...

counterpoint: nothing makes sense.

Idk if it makes sense but I’m an autistic trans woman. 25% off all trans people are autistic. I think it’s that we don’t develop gender identities as firmly as young children

Regardless of the dumb shit she says, she's also got the most annoying fucking voice in the world. Genuinely makes me wince hearing here speak.

extreme male brain theory. Transmen are assigned female at birth but they feel like men due to the extreme male brain, so they transition. Autistic men don't transition because the are already malebrained

looks like absolute shit. most unfuckable person on this planet.

My male brain enjoys making myself cute and pretty and hates being a man. I am a truly autistic moid faketrans.

How come autistic cis afabs exist then?

I don't know. I didn't eliminate the possibility of cis afabs. I said that autistic females are more likely to transition due to them having an extreme male brain which wouldn't really help them with communication among female peers. I would probably say that autistic women are more likely to mask and learn social cues faster than autistic males, so they cope better. (Masking is a pretty recent concept in the autistic community).

Autistic cis women exist though, it presents differently in women but it's still present

Masking is extremely exhausting, and leads to burn-out. Once I realized I'm on the spectrum, I decided against trying to fit in, and that helped me a lot, along with adjusting my lifestyle to keep things more comfortable for myself.

My therapist is starting a new private practice, that's awesome for her
>Fuuuuuuuuck, I'm losing another therapist.

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>Do you consider yourself to be asexual?
i mean, kinda ? idk, im only really active ish around my gf,


Asexuality is a spectrum.