Are TERFs really like this?

Are TERFs really like this?

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yes this happens to me everyday with a different tranny this is why i hate them

No, but you guys can dream and cope harder


youre the one on the tranny board

Cause i am a tranny?
Not my problem i am not insecure to the point of needing to believe those who hate me secretly fantasize about they acuse me of being


terfs are not women

It is offensive to draw your political enemies in a degrading way, especially as a woman, there are other ways to criticize a group and this is not ideal; attack in such an offensive way the moral integrity of someone.
t. woman lover


Projecting tranny

shut up



t. favelado

Rapehon fantasizing about raping normal people as always

Favelado, porém respeitador de mina

kkkkkkk, Você está linda hoje, agora deite na cama que eu vou lhe usar

Mano, isso nem faz sentido
Tu ta passando bem?

my knowledge of portuguese is from retards on HLTV and i have covid and a fever so no

Comi seu cu atrás do armário, eu que vou te usar, você não tem ódio o suficiente para pedir o contrário. Você também está um xuxu hoje