Straight kids getting crushes is fine

>straight kids getting crushes is fine
>gay crushes are Inherently Sexual
>straight parents are fine
>gay parents are Inherently Sexual
>schools doing valentines events in early grades is fine
>but gay stuff is Inherently Sexual
>straight kids teasing each other with "sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G" is totally fine
>if it's gay it's Inherently Sexual
>kids calling other kids faggot tranny freaks is fine
>kids calling themselves gay or trans is Inherently Sexual
>kids saying they're a boy or girl is totally fine and normal
>trans kids saying they're a boy or girl is Inherently Sexual

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Based twitter

it’s cause they see us as porn categories and not people

yep that all checks out to me

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True, Caleb brought up a good point

Ding Ding Ding!
This is also why lukewarm keep it private liberals exist.

>kids calling other kids faggot tranny freaks is fine

Shelley Luther, a Texas GOP candidate and former teacher, said transgender children make her uncomfortable, and she complained that their classmates weren’t allowed to make fun of them.

“I am not comfortable with the transgenders,” Luther told the audience of Republican voters. “The kids that they brought in my classroom, when they said that this kid is transgendering into a different sex, that I couldn’t have kids laugh at them! Like, other kids got in trouble for having transgender kids in my class!”

If trannies stopped walking around in hello kitty outfits and making a big deal about straight men not wanting them they might stop seeing you as a fetishist shemale

you have never seen this happen ever

right wingers have stopped being able to say anything without screaming Pedophile at everyone, just like liberals can't stop screaming Racist

i see this shit with Luca, that disney movie, mfs calling me a pedo bc I said it had gay themes and I told them, being lgbt isn't inherently sexual, and they just said I was arguing in bad faith. they think straight is normal and not sexual and gay is weird and freaky

Everything you mentioned is inherently sexual

if luca or whatever else was about a boy or a girl the masses would obsessively 'ship' them and say "oh yes they'll grow up to be married!" "what a cute little couple!" without a hint of hesitation and there would absolutely be a romance subplot involved (the creators literally ADMITTED THIS and said that was the reason for avoiding it!). thousands of children media like this with boy-girl protagonists and nobody blinks and eye because it is normal to them. companies will produce some aged up future version where theyre husband and wife with kids, no problem.


they can't just admit they don't like it specifically and have to cake it up in a fucking anti-pedo lie because that's what their current meme is (despite epstein being heterosexual!).

just gatekeep harder

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>gatekeep against something that doesn't exist except in 2-3 screencaps from fetlife 10 years ago
I guess we should 'punch nazis' too eh

I'm sick in bed, and I laughed so hard at picrel it hurt a little.

i'm going to wear these as pyjamas and you can't stop me (i'm cute and young though)

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Tl;dr and Reddit spacing. Cringe.

How the fuck is it reddit spacing. It's big paragraph chunks you stupid cunt

nta, but that's not reddit spacing you sped

Are you under 20?

>endless diaper uwu threads
>drag queen story time
>pic related
All of this shit has a backlash, normal people are disgusted when they see it, and right now there's more "normal people" than trans people and open fetishists combined. If trans people were more self-aware they would realize that being proper and traditional is a better appearance than creepy enby pervert shit then everyone would be happier. The alternative is to try and push degenerate shit into every enclave of society, but then you have no more nice society worth living in.

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Redditors don’t belong here.

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I'm exactly 20

Its ok then

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how old for it to not be okay? i'm 21 in 6 months :((

Its not fair...

trans people aren't drag queens user. and maybe they'd be able to be more "proper and traditional" if you gave them medical access instead of banning hrt and having them grow up to be 6'3
and what even is that image? do you gulp down whatever politicians tell you about the world? you're an NPC
>All of this shit has a backlash, normal people are disgusted when they see it
same with hating nazis then? do you agree with punching right wingers, since racism disgusts so many people? it's so weird when rwers try to use the Social Acceptance argument when you scream about muh cancel culture and society not understanding you all the time

I'd say 25+ is a bit too old for that but idk it could work on some people older than that ig

Posting this to Any Forums be right back

Think about the public perception of the community at large, boomers and rednecks don't distinguish between drag queens and hons. Think about other peoples' perceptions, if you can, before calling other people "NPCs."

yeah, but that's not reddit spacing you fucking tard

you would know this is you actually belonged here

you should lurk moar


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>trans people aren't drag queens user
Says who

Yes it is. Nobody wants to read your boring shit.

Why are you asking them for approval? Shame is a fool's errand, sweetheart. Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't make others' lives worse in a meaningful way.

boring posts =/= "reddit spacing"
you are legitimately braindead and would be better off dead

>trannies should stop gays from being degenerate bc straights gte confused
Literally how is this our problem? How are we meant to fix this? We aren't even the ones doing it

>Yes it is
no it isn't
>Nobody wants to read your boring shit.
nta and idgaf, but you just generally come off as a dumb nigger

Doesn't gatekeeping gays doing things in public count as Cancel Culture? Are we supposed to cancel the Bad Offensive Gays? I thought that infringed on freedom of speech and was what bad SJWs do

>>endless diaper uwu threads
normal people don’t go on /tttt/ moron

True, have more confidence user