HAPPY WOMENS DAY! My beloved transwomen <3

HAPPY WOMENS DAY! My beloved transwomen

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I'll never be a real woman so what's the point? Why should I be included in the struggles and hardships actual women had to overcome?

I don't deserve to be celebrated just because I feel like one...

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Thank you :)
Happy international women's day, folks

Happy Women's day, to all girls on this board! Is there any actual significance of this day though? It feels kinda disrespectful to me lmao

>It feels kinda disrespectful to me lmao
How so?

this day is for biological women, which excludes all of us 40 year old trans women.

Said who? It's whatever we make of it, baby.

i will never be a woman :(

Shut up im going to celebrate you whether you feel like it or not

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I've literally done nothing to be celebrated for.. I'm pretty much just a guy that wishes he were born a girl...

I mean women are more than half of the population, it feels a bit shallow to just have this one day to bring womens issues and achievements to the forefront. On one hand I'm glad that there is a day with a long history, where topics like reproductive rights and spreading awareness about abuse are dominating the media, but it feels underwhelming. It isn't like those things aren't an issue for a huge amount of the population the rest of the year, but the only other times I see womens rights discussed in mainstream media, is when there's an actual crisis going on.

you already are


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no im not and i hate this day, its the entire day the world reminding me im not a woman that im a male that im a opressor and i will never be a woman and etc

Well when you're ready to accept that you are a woman I'll celebrate you then.

I can see your point. These issues definitely deserve to be discussed year round. There's still value to a day of celebration and contemplation though, isn't there? We should love and cherish one another all of the time but birthdays are still worthwhile. We should never forget the atrocities of the past but days of remembrance are still worthwhile. Perhaps, then, today is still worthwhile. Let us celebrate, and tomorrow, try to make sure we still remember.

user I'm on hrt and I still know that I'll never be a woman. I'm not going to force people to see me as something that's not real

shut up glowie
iwnbaw, i know bc real ones hate me thru their sleeves and i'll boymode until i die (likely soon)

Hey, I like that birthday analogy, that's a good point that I haven't really thought about before. Thanks for the positivity!

Thank you for listening :)
Happy birthday