I wish I was trans

Being a 5'6 man is hell

At least if I was tranny I would have a normal height

You fuckers are lucky to have dysphoria to push you to transition

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it's ok user, just become some chad's cumdump

People transition all the time without dysphoria these days. I dunno if your unhappy with your life and look cute just do it anyways. You can be a rapehon and fuck girls and troons

Could be worse, you could have physical but not social dysphoria and need to take pills but have zero motivation for social transition

just force yoursekf to stay on hrt for at least month and you will develop it

But then you can just take the pills and be done with it

if you want to be a tranner, just transition, no one care if you do it for dysphoria or not

If I ever have to explain it to someone it could be difficult, also I'm not too uncanny yet after 18 months, but that might change

I literally cant?

I like my male body(except my height) and I dont want man boobs

If I try to go on hrt I will panick and stop

That why I wish I had dysphoria

It really sucks but all you can do is live a good life, do your hobbies and make some friends, maybe relationships happen maybe they don't, but just be nice to yourself and try and forget about the whole height meme

so you're saying you want it but you're a coward, got it

I mean he's saying he doesn't have physical dysphoria and getting female features would make him dysphoric? don't think he's trans???

Dude, don't troon out, you'll only make shit worse for yourself. I know first hand that being short is hell, but you can persevere. It'll be okay, just don't do anything to hurt yourself.

How am I a coward?
Are trannys cowards for going on hrt because they are dysphoric?

This.The title of the thread is literally "I wish I was trans"

reverse dysphoria doesn't exist, this dude want to be a girl, he literally said it, but i guess he's just afraid of the consequence of doing it
you're a coward for being such a bitch and not doing what you wish to do

atleast you’re not a 6’1” tranny

God I wish I was 6'1

I would obviously never transition with such a blessed height.Its literally slapping God in the face for a gift

Shut up its ok you're not that small.
T. 5'7 tranny

if god was giving me a gift and not playing a sick joke he wouldn’t have given me gender dysphoria too

>Trannys are cowards for not being cis woman since they wish they were those

The same way you wish you were a cis woman,I wish I was a tranny.Neither of us are one though

Just get off Any Forums and try and do something that'll make you happy! If you're doing stuff you love and having a blast, and you're kind to other people, they'll see that and love you too, promise :)

>5'7 tranny


I feel dysphoric for feeling dysphoric about my height lmao since 5"7 is kinda average for a woman