How do you have a wet dream and not want to kill yourself?

-t. 3yrs hrt

Is this normal?

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Have you tried not being such a sensitive pussy

>Want to kill yourself because horny
>3 years hrt
hrt doesn't remove horny, dumbass.

yeah I know but I kinda hoped it would remove the genital response of cooming.

You can't selectively remove cooming. If you can coom during sex you can coom in wet dreams. Just coom irl more often to reduce wet dream rates.

I'd literally rather kill myself than jack off.

Wet dreams are hot

t. passing redhead

get someone to coom with or dissociate from your peen. Or cut your balls off.

idk I just hate the disgusting way my genitals feel after I coom, the icky gooey feeling and being hyperaware of it. And I hate being reminded that I'm a straight coomer moid and wnbaw.

Just roleplay as having been turned into a futa. There, I just solved gender dysphoria.

Ranma didn't kill himself every time he got wet.

dicks are just disgusting through, the feeling of filling with blood, the oozing sensation afterwards, the gross hypersensitivity to touch, I hate all of it. Especially when it works.

I don’t make cum anymore so I’ll just wake up with my 7,5” peen rubbing up against my blahaj after having a nice dream about handsome sweaty men and feel good in my stomach area

t. passing redhead

I hate the feel of genital arousal in general

Also I only get like 1 drop of coom but it's still there and it still feels gross. Is my hrt wrong or something?

I sometimes get a couple clear drops of prostate fluid but I think it depends on how long I’m horny before I cum. No semen though, just clear thick saltwater

yeah for me it's clear and a little bit sticky. idk if that's prostate fluid but I just hate it. I hate the sticky feeling. I hate the feeling of anything flowing through it. I hate it so much. I just want to be free of this.

I’m going to miss the feeling of guys sucking my dick not gonna lie but I can’t want to have srs and not have to worry about having a bulge or my dick touching the toilet bowl or something like that forever

Not looking forward to having to sit and pee whenever I go hiking though, that’s like the one good thing about having a noodle

Also why tf are we cursed with both ball sweat and boob sweat, why couldn’t one go away at least wtf

the idea of someone sexually touching my penis is just like horrifying to me.

that's how i feel about touching a frankenvagina

idk I just feel so dysphoric about it. Just the sensation of having it touched, of having it get aroused... I hate it so much.

Take cyproterone acetate for awhile and stuff like that will never happen again

tfw I'm an NAmoder

do spiro or E monotherapy fix this? does getting high enough E levels fix this? I just want ot never feel any genital arousal again for the rest of my life this is disgusting.

No cause cypro does different shit than e to lower t and I think does like permanent damage if you take it long enough. My dick shriveled up and is very well behaved I barely notice it. I wanna get my balls cut off though when I get on my gfs insurance

What is a wet dream? I hear that term all the time but I don't know what it is?