How long will we be able to keep this board from being overrun with normalniggers?

How long will we be able to keep this board from being overrun with normalniggers?

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im brown and a Any Forums tranny im the most powerful here

>implying it hasnt been already

Um, sweaty, im just going to assume you're racist

If you're on reddit or r/traaaa regularly, I'm just going to assume you dress like a clown and mention "euphoria boners" within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone

r/traa is about as white as a KKK meeting. It's literally just all white programmer transbians.

Too late friend

reddit is ironically much whiter than /tttt/

Any Forums is also probably the least white board

honestly giving dark skinned people smart phones with internet access is what ruined the internet

pre 2008 maybe 2010 the internet wasnt full of niggers and hispanics and indians and arabs ruining things with their ESL posts

>honestly giving *women smart phones with internet access is what ruined the internet


I don't care if you call me racist lol. Just because you accuse me of something doesn't make it true. Any person who would blindly listen to namecalling and believe it without seeing evidence is not someone I ever want to fucking associate with.

Good riddance, reddit trannies once again doing an excellent job of segregating themselves from sane people.

I'm both of those things and I'm utterly disgusted by these labels

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I think Any Forums is even less white.
White girls and white LGBT autists are the responsible for the vast majority of the cringe.

I'm brown and I agree with you
The internet was better when it was for white people and educated rich POC only
Our kind is eternally salty by it's own giganormous failure as a race

It already is

Non-white/ESL antics are fun (open bob), women however ruined the internet by pearl clutching about absolutely everything while bringing nothing to the table beyond pornography

There's unironically probably more black trans people on this board than that subreddit

Itll be cool in 20-69years when we can just swap genitals with someone
Or in like 200-420 years we can just body swap with someone
Thatll be nice for them

black people are far less offended than liberal white people are by other white people saying the word nigger

I don't know man. I was in jail for some months and there was one guy in there who'd troll a few of the niggers by calling them monkey and other fun slurs. They'd lose their shit and come at him, he'd dodge around the chairs and shit and the nigger would get put on lockdown for a day or two. He probably would have got murdered in his cell if myself and a few other white guys who found it hilarious didn't have his back. Point being, racial slurs are magic words that make black people chimp out, and that's not nearly as true for other races

That's hilarious

>segregating themselves from sane people
said the person well known for not being sane