I'm cis f and I want to be agp. Teach me how to be agp

I'm cis f and I want to be agp. Teach me how to be agp.

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What do you mean user?

i'm a cis m and i want to be agp, too. i've tried lots of things, but it just doesn't seem to ever manifest

How much feminization stuff you been masturbating to?

I want to be sexually aroused by the thought of myself as a woman. Or maybe not literally be that but just be into the the things agps are into. I want the agp mindset. Since I'm a bio female if I do this then I will become happy and in love with myself and my body and be in a pure state of bliss all the time, theoretically.

Have sex with a man but pay more attention to enjoying how feminine he makes you feel. Feel really turned on dressing as cutely as possible making that happen. This is the form of AGP most MTFs here have.

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I thought agps preferred having female partners. Isn't being into men hsts?

everyone here is so brainwormed they completely ignore the definition of agp and think that being arousedby men and having sex with men is agp

AGP is just the self-direction of attraction to females, but if you have it, you can happily have sex with whoever as long as you feel sufficiently feminine. In fact, having sex with a man can be the most satisfying thing to an AGP, since his masculine body serving as contrast highlights your femininity.

I wouldn't mind being a wise and grey sensei that trains people the way of the AGP at my secluded home up in the hills.

No need to defile your body by sleeping with a man, OP. Just be hot and wear some lingerie.

I'm cis m and I'd give my AGP to you if I could.

thanks friend, appreciate it

I'm not hot though. I was under the impression that most agp tranners aren't hot. Why is that a requirement?

>the way of the AGP

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Ok therapy and anti psychotics isn't enough for this board you guys need some exorcism

I'm cis m and I wish I was cis f

Being cisf would be enough for the vast, vast majority of trans AGPs. You have access to ways of AGPing out that trannies couldnt even dream of.

I honestly don't know what to tell you ngl. It might be because I'm only mildly AGP if I am to any extent though.

have u tried being ostentatiously feminine and slutty? start with that

Can you be specific

be my girlfriend and i'll make you like to visualize and get fucked like a bitch

do you not already like feeling sexy? like, does it not turn you on when a guy you want to fuck wants to fuck you too?

Is being agp just feeling sexy?

Whoever wrote that needs intensive psychiatric care

We call those reppers for lack of hope, which is valid but youre still a trans woman