Hi, I have a question about voice feminization training, just started voice training with L's guide...

Hi, I have a question about voice feminization training, just started voice training with L's guide, but I am wondering which larynx exercise to focus on, the guide says to do the whisper siren but the 2 linked videos show two other exerices. Now the dog one is just a precursor to the whisper siren from my understanding but the swallow and hold one says to practice that whenever you can. Which should I be doing as a total beginner.

Also, how does it work when you can move the larynx yourself. Is it just a new kind of muscle flex or is it just more control over it when you tense your throat

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it's mastering control over it and learning how to command it better. You can follow all of them. Some of us just go with what TransVoiceLessons (youtube trans girl) suggests as she's a self-made expert at this point.

But she doesn't explain anything? She just throws buzzwords at you to advertise her private lessons. She does not even explain how to do the dog exercise or rhe syrin one.

not true. She gives a lot of information. Follow the playlist she has. She's pretty good about not being just one big salespitch.


Not that you can't get any info from L's guide but I think they work well together.

ok here is (not me) an explanation on how to do the exercises

here's also a youtube video by the person who created the whisper siren
also dont do the swallow & hold
it activates different muscle groups (i.e. why you can't breathe when you do it) which can be harmful down the line

>not true. She gives a lot of information
Eh, I remember how I struggled to mimic her with her exercises, because she didn't really explain how exactly she does these things she was doing. I still don't understand most of the things in the guides, and I don't watch them anymore

I watched all her videos and she explained as best as she could. What you're looking for is vocal coaching. Many people have had success with her without having to pay. I know because when I talk to them they say "oh yeah I followed her path"

L's guide is great, it takes tvl's babel and actually makes it something you can follow (minus giving a poor explanation for the syrin exercise, i still have no idea how to do it). I particularly dislike that video because she literly never actually explains what vocal weight, resonance, voice box etc means and than just asks you to hear the difference between two recordings, as if someone without a music degree can even hear one. I haven't ever studied music professionally so her videos might aswell be in a different language.

I kinda figured what I need to do for my voice to sound more feminine, and I just exercise by talking a lot. My voice isn't good, and maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I think I'm headed in the right direction. If I'm wrong - it's fine, it's not like I'll ever need to use my voice.

You should try all exercises that you come across and keep doing the ones that seem to work for you. Everyone seems to have their own *gotcha* moments when it comes to voice training so I think it's best to experiment as much as you can and pay attention to what gets you progressing.

then she's dogshit at explaining, which was clear enough from the start. maybe there's a certain type of person who's used to deciphering inane babble from someone who can't get to the point that can actually benefit, but there's plenty of people who can't.

did you watch her series? She explains what resonance is, how to adjust it , how to test for it, and various ways to reproduce it.

>as if someone without a music degree can even hear one
Most people in the music industry have no degree in music theory.

I have never myself. Like I said some of you need coaching or someone else but you're wrong. Her series breaks it down in separate videos.

if you're happy with it that's what matters. Have you tried singing much? I found my vocal range improved after practicing more.

that's fine it didn't work for you, but to call it dogshit is hurtful for others who can make use of it. Instead something like

"didn't work for me and what I needed, but perhaps others" is more helpful. Feedback is good tho.

I'm just extremely salty over the fact that I'm too stupid to understand that even after watching literally every single video of hers.
I juat don't consider playing two identical voice clips as an explanation, and asking to imitate her an exercise.

Yeah I can see that. hmm sounds like you could benefit from someone else to bounce questions and ideas off of.

Did you watch this one? I don't know how useful it will be if you don't have some idea what they're talking about but I found the demonstrations they do with their voices helpful in understanding a bunch of the concepts they go through in the video. Particularly the part starting at 1:32 where they play around with weight and resonance.

>Have you tried singing
I did, and do sometimes. It works as an exercise, but should I record it - my ears bleed each time I listen to myself singing.
>My vocal range improved
My vocal range was always good, for some reason. I don't speak with as high pitch as I can speak with. I don't really understand why my voice doesn't sound natural, as I was told. But I only showed my voice to someone, like, 3 times, 2 times here and once to someone not from here. Here I was told that my voice was "cringe", and the second time I got a useful advise. And the person not from Any Forums told me that my voice sucks. I don't feel like showing my voice to anyone again, until I'm sure it passes.

No, somehow I never stumbled across it. Am I supposed to just through the whole 2 hours or do you have a time stamp where she actually explains something?

How do people fo it? She usually just playes a clip of her voice with the most minor difference and says to "play around with it" with no context. Has anyone legit voice trained purely based off tvl?

I would recommend watching the whole thing and pausing at times to see if you can play along. Some of the stuff they do will be too difficult for a beginner but still. You never get anywhere if you don't experiment by yourself.

I haven't only used her stuff and honestly I don't really like her videos that much either but not for entirely the same reasons. The videos have been posted over such a long time period that I can tell in the newer ones the foundations they use to teach people on their lessons have changed but they haven't made new videos to cover everything. I'm not sure if that's intentional because it is their livelihood or if they've simply not had the time to do it. Like this youtube.com/watch?v=BfCS01MkbIY is clearly a video following their new ideas but it only scratches the surface and many of the old videos don't match with the ideas on this one. I can see why some would get confused by the terminology and other stuff because of this.

If you listen to the youtube video linked here can you tell the difference of what she's doing with the whisper siren? The different qualities in the "whisper"? It might be hard to make a sound at the top at first but if you can replicate the whisper part of the exercise you should be achieving that by moving your larynx.

I can move my Larynx down, I can kind of move it up a little bit but it falls down instantly, I have been trying for months but I just cant figure out if it's supposed to go higher or how do I manipulate it instead of just making it jump for a second (I'm not talking about the swallow exercise btw).
She just does the syrin, and tells you to repeat it without any actual explanation of what you're supposed to be doing.
I tried following L's guide but I just can't figure out how to move my larynx up instead of just squeeking in a higher pitch that just sounds like my voice if it were made by a duck.
I tried replicating that exercise from her, I just can't repeat it, and if you can just instantly (or for moths like me) repeat it that she just isn't that helpful in that situation.

(BTW I have no problem with her at all, she helped a lot of people. It's just that whenever I ask someone for her they just link one of the same 3 videos of her I already seen a million times)

I can hear there is a difference, I just have no idea how to imitate that difference or what exactly is different.

I'm sorry I don't really know much else to point out. Whisper siren was like the biggest step forward for me early on. Are you saying you can't bring the sound of your whisper "up" at all like she does on the video? The thing that you should be hearing there is resonance changing. Before I saw that I didn't understand how to control my larynx or what it really was but I guess I had some control over my larynx and learning whisper siren helped me understand what and how.

Maybe you have a case of where you really don't have any control over your larynx even unconsciously so you'd need some sort of other exercise to help with that.

I have some, I can very easily drop it down and slightly up. It's just that if I try to make it go far enough up I either can't speak or it falls down after a second. I just have been trying to do it agien and agien but I just can't make it go smoothy up or keep it there.

Also, I live with my parents so I don't get much time to practice. And when I do I just feel extremely overwhelmed by tvl's videos and hearing my very masculine voice. Do you have any tips as to how to overcome that dysphoria?