Do you hate cis women trannys?

Whats the feeling of knowing that 50% of the world population take for granted and never had to sacrifice anything to obtain what you basically spend your whole life trying to obtain?

Must be like the envy/hate poor people have of rich people but 100x worse

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Ciswomen also have to sacrifice things to be women, otherwise every woman facing adversity for her gender would just transition to male.

yes. i was an incel before transition and still one now except the dysphoria and associated jealously has made it 10x worse. i have never been a more adamant believer in the blackpill and going ER on normalfags

You needed a comma dude

I'm poor tranner and I absolutely hate rich cis women. I beat rich cis women to death with a hoe (cuz them are hoes). I hate them almost as much as I hate nigs. Rich black cis women, brace yourselves, if I ever find you.

How are you still an incel?
Just get a chaser to fuck you in the ass

Or are you a "transbian"?

i mean i don’t really feel any negativity towards them. it’s not like they chose to be born the way they were. i guess i feel a little jealous of their boobs and ability to give birth now and then, but it’s not intense enough or hateful enough to call if envy.

I've intense phase of jealousy sometimes but no I dont hate women. not their fault if im a tranny

nope, I’m engaged to one

Eh people start at different points and have to put more or less effort to achieve what they want. Hating rich people is still the right thing to do, at least the actually rich and not just well off, because they actively deprive others.

i mean i envy cis women in some ways but they obviously have their own afab-related struggles. like, i've benefited from male privilege while boymoding this whole time :/ sure, they don't have to worry about passing, but y'know who else don't? cis MEN, and they don't have to worry about being a woman in a patriarchal society
i don't see why i should hate someone because i'm jealous of them, either. that's incel logic

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Used to hate them but now I am one so they are who I hang out and talk with. Can't be freinds with guys and funny enough I hate men now, I obviously still date them and find them attractive but most guys are literally wolves ready to rip and tear.

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?? just really fucking weird user


Of all the things to call a larp, it had to be monogamy

i dont hate cis women, i hate having been born a tranny and not cis but i dont hate the cis people for having been born cis.
i feel more resentment towards other trannys who pass better and didnt repress as long as i did, but cis women im generally just kinda nervous around because i feel like they are the ones who determine whether or not im valid

I am extremely racist.


Nope. Transitioning has unironically feminist-pilled me. Cis women are my sisters and I feel a sense of solidarity with them. Men are cringe to me.

I'm still pretty queenie when it comes to attractive women. Women who dress plain and on the fat side, I'm comfortable around. Women who know they're good looking and flaunt it, I'm extremely jealous and catty.

ok, see what you're gonna say when kill all rich cisnigs.

cis people aren’t hoarding the gender and exploiting the trans to produce more gender to hoard lol


No. I feel for them honestly. I might be a tranny, but like, idk real women go through a lot of shit. I mostly need to deal with internalized issues since i'm in a privilaged position of being financially well off enough to not care about employment issues and housing issues and stuff as a tranny. Additionally, in the places i live i dont need to worry about hate crimes and such. Overall, i have my struggles, but compared to what real women deal with, i'd say i have no reason to feel jealous. Ofc i wish i was a woman, but i wont let my own issues negativly impact others

>going ER on normalfags
what did he mean by this

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