Stealth pass, even considered attractive, thankful to be a youngshit

>stealth pass, even considered attractive, thankful to be a youngshit
>still consumed by overwhelming bitterness towards cis society
>every day some new news article about some cis atrocity against our kind
>any discussion of trans people by cis people is an abominable mess of hate and 5th grader tier takes on science
>every trans person I know traumatized by the cis people in their life, doing their past to grow past it
>can only value the trans people in my life, when I'm around cis people I can only feel like I'm among evil people who would do worse than kill me and everyone I love given the chance
Who else?

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t. 5'2 tomboymoder

You can no longer handle harrassment so as a defense mechanism you flag everybody as a threat to make things easier.

I haven't experienced any harassment due to being trans since I left my family about 10 years ago. Though you are right, I see bad people as threats, it's a pretty good way to stay safe.

Me except I'm not a youngshit. They will not stop until every tranny is dead.

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this image hurts

The image isn't perfectly accurate as bone growth continues into mid 20s.

well it just talks about growth spurts not bone growth entirely

My mom: You're a man! You'll always be a man!

Also my mom: Thank goodness you're only attracted to men. You'd probably be even more likely to go to hell if you were gay as well.

So which is it?

im almost never truly comfortable around cisoids and i know that if they knew my "secret" they would see me as a subhuman freak. I'm lucky that I was also able to youngshit stealth, but its so jarring when you hear cis people talking about trans stuff when they think nobody is around. I know that not all cisoids are like this (probably) but im still only truly comfortable around other trannies

Me except I am not a trans. I haven't even experienced any harrasment or witnessed any irl yet I am filled with RAGE all the same
T. Cis gay

>i know that if they knew my "secret" they would see me as a subhuman freak.
>but its so jarring when you hear cis people talking about trans stuff when they think nobody is around
I've had people who were nice to me act absolutely vicious to a non-passing twinkhon, right in front of me. Talking about it is one thing, actually discriminating is something else.

So true. I constantly get this intrusive thought to randomly come out to every cis person i talk to mid convo just to see how theyd react

You don't get to claim >our kind when you are stealth, fall back passoid bitch

So I need to put a trans pin on my bag or something or I'm not trans anymore?

stop projecting

>stealth pass, even considered attractive, thankful to be a youngshit
>I haven't experienced any harassment due to being trans since I left my family about 10 years ago.
Keep your lies straight, hon. You old AF and you don’t pass. Only reason you’re triggered is cause you’re ugly and afraid it’ll happen to you.

you should kidnap your local anti-trans legislators or local anti-queer hate group leader.
those that perpetuate systematic oppression must die before the world can start to heal.

>Keep your lies straight
Those aren't contradictory, tard
Those "anti trans activists" are just normal people voicing fairly normal opinions. When your opposition is 99.5% of the general public, praying for a nuclear war is the only salvation.

>10 years ago
Did you leave them at 7 years old retard? You ain’t young no more. If you passed you’d post a pic. You don’t pass.

Youngshit means you started young not that you're young right now you fucking newfag.

Youngshit means early transitioner. Shockingly, early transitioners eventually age.

>be 34
>call yourself youngshit
If you do this you might as well call yourself a teen too.

As the other user said, lurk moar, tourist-kun.

You do not pass, bro. I promise you everyone can tell immediately but are too polite to tell you. The sad thing is this is the best it gets for you. Every year you will not pass even worse. Why not just kill yourself now?