Is whats described in this article the same as AGP...

Is whats described in this article the same as AGP? What makes it different from it besides experienced by a different gender? geniunely curious

>Tanner tells us that “like most human characteristics, autosexuality is a spectrum—and the majority of us are on it! Some may identify as exclusively autosexual, in which case they might consider autosexuality their sexual orientation. Most people, however, incorporate autosexuality into a larger sexual repertoire that also includes being turned on by partnered sex.”

>This might mean wearing sexy lingerie, even if your partner hardly gives it a second glance. It could mean doing your hair and makeup so that you feel good and turned on, even when you’ve been in a long-term monogamous relationship and the other party hardly notices. It could mean washing yourself lovingly in the bath and genuinely enjoying your body. It could mean dancing in the mirror in a cute outfit. If feeling sexy independent of someone else has ever turned you on, that’s autosexuality, and it’s totally normal.

>When we know how to turn ourselves on, we depend less on environmental cues to move us into a sensual headspace. When we look at or fantasize about ourselves, we are in touch with our bodies and senses. Getting turned on by oneself does not mean you think you’re better than other people, that you’re selfish, or that you’re not attracted to your partner(s). Rather, it’s one additional tool in your box for sparking desire and passion.”

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lol tanner sounds like tranner

> women very bad
> feminine men bad
> "men" who want to be women absolute worst
> "men" who have female sexuality degenerate pedo monsters


no coincidence, he did the studies of breast growth

maybe we should adopt the tranner scale, like the tanner scale for puberty but it dictates how trooned you are.

similar to how some people get stuck at tanner 3, 4, etc...

prehrt is tranner 1, gigahon tranner 2, regular hon tranner 3, twinkhon is tranner 4, passoid is tranner 5.

youngshit gigapassoid is tranner omega. wow this post is so autistic almost every word is underlined red by the spellcheck.

>Getting turned on by oneself does not mean you think you’re better than other people, that you’re selfish, or that you’re not attracted to your partner(s).
I love how this one sentence demolished half the transphobia on the board. No AGP is not narcissism. No meta-attraction is not fake attraction.


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>> women very bad
>> feminine men bad

waitaminuute OP this is my post from this thread Though I guess it doesn't matter I'm just looking for answers too

>What makes it different from it besides experienced by a different gender?
I think it's interesting how this makes clear it's talking about self-focused arousal. Sexy lingerie or doing makeup for yourself, not your partner. That's what makes this sound AGP despite the usual line that "Of course trans girls dress sexy for their partners, like cis women"

>self-focused arousal
Exactly, whats the difference between
>self-focused arousal centered on femininity by a cis-woman
>self-focused arousal centered on femininity by an AGP and/or tranner

Right, it sounds like the same thing. That's what makes the OP article stand out. It's specifically talking about a self-direction in the sexuality, not doing it for the partner.
>lingerie, even if your partner hardly gives it a second glance
>hair and makeup so that you feel good and turned on, even when you’ve been in a long-term monogamous relationship and the other party hardly notices
It's making a point to rule out this being about her partner.

Compared to what this cis woman said in the other thread >stuff like wanting to look cute/sexy/feminine for a partner or your own self-esteem or self-image: if that's your definition of agp then yes, that's a very common cis f feeling and it's weird to pathologize it
That's specifically about the partner, or self-esteem/self-image rather than arousal. I believe it's far more common among cis women than OP is.

So it doesn't make sense to say AGP in trans women is simply anticipation of sex with a partner or is the same as typical cis female self-esteem in being attractive, but nor can we rule out that AGP can exist among cis women too.

Oh wow good point, about partner vs. self and self includes body or lingerie/clothing/external stuff but feminine

Desu I get the feeling that cis women who aren't autosexual would consider those who are weird too like straights consider lesbians weird, idk why some people are so desperate to get all women to accept them...

Also could there also be trans women who don't have autosexuality but are AGP? Or are AGP but not autosexual? So many questions

Yea the hierarchy had always been
Men >Women > weird/underage (GNC included)

If you exist outside of typical categorization your opinion is as valued as a teenager's or that of a rad fem that makes paintings out of period blood and feces

I would definitely count the quote you have in your pic as cis female AGP.
t. Blanchardist

Desu I don't think its a stretch to say some of them can be it, and apparently especially bisexual ones for some reason

Yeah I would be shocked if it wasn't linked with being bisexual/lesbian, ETLE may not be the be-all end-all explanation for auto-*-philias, but it seems to be a part of the picture.

>Desu I get the feeling that cis women who aren't autosexual would consider those who are weird too
If they even realize. Looking again at OP:
>If feeling sexy independent of someone else has ever turned you on, that’s autosexuality, and it’s totally normal.
Cis women will answer yes to this when what they have in mind is getting turned on to the fantasy of a partner, with their lingerie and so on as masturbatory props to what is not an autosexual fantasy.

So maybe the author is autosexual but she's failing to clearly make the distinction too, from the same direction AGP trans women do when they say cis women get aroused the same way.

From both cis and trans directions, and from both autosexuals (cis or trans) and non-autosexuals, autosexuality is being conflated with something it's not.

This will make it tricky to properly examine these sexualities and how much they exist in cis women.

>Also could there also be trans women who don't have autosexuality but are AGP? Or are AGP but not autosexual?
How would you describe the distinction?

idk this is too confusing

And the text?

Calling autosexuality ETLE is like calling homosexuality Hetero Target Location Error or HTLE, I dont consider either an "error" and theres no neurological support for such a view

It's not the erotic target that's abnormal for homosexuals though? It's the sex

Sorry, adequate sex classification error

How's homosexual attraction inadequate? What's been misclassified too?