There's this extremely stupid bit of trans culture war drama taking place on Twitter right now

There's this extremely stupid bit of trans culture war drama taking place on Twitter right now
And, okay, this is always true, but it is currently true in a very specific way, and so here we are
Some NB wrote a ripoff of Y: The Last Man
tl;dr all XY chromosome havers get rekt (dead) and the world is now ruled by wombyn
Present day, present time ripoff writer goes with the tired "and so utopia ensues", at least superficially
Anyway, The Paladins are upset with them
Because the premise of the book is that all Men disappear but also obviously trans women also disappear and oh no how transphobic
(and at this point I, an MTF, am of course going ??? because, whatever, trans women do have Y chromosomes)
Not because it is implied that the world would be way better off if men didn't exist
lol, lmao
Misandry is so normalized that this isn't even commented on. Isn't that fucked up? I'm a feminist, not one of those cringe sovereigns who rant about >>>female privilege, but it's really hitting me that this is an extremely serious issue. Men are so hated that even *trans women*, foremost enemies of the public, are placed above them in some limited situations. I don't know what to do about this realization.

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>The world would be better if there were no men!

It's honestly shocking that this os just an ok thing to say. Replace men with like any other group and it seems like genocide

>Men are so hated that even *trans women*, foremost enemies of the public, are placed above them in some limited situations.

Only in some marginal circles. In real life transwomen are universally despised.

Lol that's the central emperor has no clothes bit of the American left

Who fucking cares

The worst bit are the comments going "wtf do you think the world would be better without trans women, NBs, intersex people? :/// they're not like the men who should be purged!!!"

Yeah, I know. It's just astounding that this ever happens.

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Almost all of the members of the groups that do Bad Things are men. War, genocide, rape, bigotry, etc etc.
From the perspective of Woman it's a natural conclusion to make to assume that less men = less bad things because in almost all instances where bad things have happened to you it was a man doing the thing. Being a man overrides any other class. Saying "if there were less blacks there'd be less crime" is evil from that perspective partially because the crime bit of the statement ultimately comes from the overwhelming presence of men/masculinity. People being black isn't why they do terrible shit, people being men is why, and so to disparage any other group is misplaced blame and undue bigotry.
Not defending the position but I think that's how it makes sense in their head, and it's honestly partially true. There are lots of female criminals but most crime is men. Problem is that it's some lesser % of men committing a greater % of the crime but since Man is a way bigger class of person than anything else it's kind of blinding.

i should write a book where all the XX havers disappear and us XY tranners get treated like royalty and get to have loving husbands and its a utopia. i doubt this book would sell a single copy because hating XX bad but hating XY good.

If there were only black women, and by some feat of weirdness they asexually reproduced, racism against blacks would all but disappear.

Different poster here but have you looked at what happens in female only environments, like prisons and schools for girls? Violence immediately picks up. Aggression immediately picks up. Most cases of adult on adult sex crimes are perpetrated by men against women but if you look at children rates of sexual child abuse spike up. When it comes to cultural, systemic, nice violence women routinely vote for fascists almost as often as men do. The difference is really negligible and does not even exist in many countries.

Much of what is attributed to men being men is in actuality the consequence of power dynamics. Women are physically weaker than men in most cases and so that dissuades direct violence. When this is not the case things change and women adopt the worst qualities of men.

Is there absolutely no difference, though? No. There is. But, it's vastly, vastly exaggerated.

Feminism has always been as violent and hateful as incel ideology, but it's okay because women are wonderful.

>rates of sexual child abuse spike up.
As in, rates of sexual child abuse by women spike up

>Different poster here but have you looked at
Why are you speaking to me like I hold the position myself? Did you read my post all the way through? I'm fully aware women commit violence and that different environments can promote different behaviors.

Books like this are incredibly cringe because the author doesn’t understand anything about socioeconomics, geopolitics or really anything. If all the men died tomorrow, the world wouldn’t be a better place. Women would just assume the roles that men had.
There would still be racism, fascism, and all the rest of it. Men might be at the top of the social hierarchy but your incredibly naive if you think women would just band together and forget all the other parts of their identity for some universal womanhood.

OP here. That's not true at all. Feminism is really important, dealing with very real issues, and to besmirch it altogether because of some rotten apples is wrong. I write this as someone who understands the plight of men and the importance of tackling it. I even wrote
and made the thread so you know I'm not bullshitting you.

Please don't fall prey to the idea that it's zero sum. You can be a feminist without being a misandrist.

what the hell is that writing on the back cover? is that indicative of how the book is written? wtf?

Alright, sorry. You said it's partially true and I wanted to note that if men disappear women would almost certainly quickly pick up the slack when it comes to atrocities. It's not just that female criminals exist but that they'd become far more numerous the moment they didn't have to contend with men and their physical superiority. The premise is broken. If you don't really hold it even partially, though, then ignore me, sorry.

>dealing with very real issues,
The very real issue of there not being enough female war criminals in politics?
>You can be a feminist without being a misandrist.
This is just a flat out lie. Feminism is misandry all the way down. It's an ideology of hate just like incels and Christians.

You don't believe this so why are you saying this?

>You said it's partially true
Yeah I said it's partially true and then followed it up with "it's some lesser % of men committing a greater % of the crime".
So if you read the whole sentence it's
"Men commit a higher percentage of crime (as a class) but when you break it down it's actually small subsections of individuals committing said crimes at absurd rates".
Most people commit zero violent crime, including men. Of people who do, a majority of them just commit once or twice. It's just that a fuckload of violent people commit a fuckload of violent crime and since there's no way to filter them out of the class as a whole it taints one's perspective if they don't look at the whole picture.
>Feminism is misandry all the way down
Where does this claim come from? From where are you building your idea of feminism? Which essential feminist texts or tenets of feminism are inherently misandrist at their foundation?
You can be mad at individuals all day but there's no truthful way I could press you and have you actually logically explain how you get to this conclusion without revealing some massive hole in your logic or some kind of information bias.

>if no men World better!
Bourgeois feminism: not even once.

I 100%, unironically, believe that feminism has inspired a hate movement as evil as Christianity. The only difference is scale because Christianity is 2000 years old while feminism is only around 100. It's amazing how much vitriol it's managed to whip up in so short of a time though.

Wouldn’t society just fucking collapse in this scenario? You’d have to be an idiot to think that half the population disappearing isn’t going to cause a fuckton of collateral damage, especially when a lot of important people are in that half. The only fantastical scenario where there are no men anymore that doesn’t seriously fuck the world up that I can think of is if all men magically turned into women in their sleep one day, and even that would probably just get former men to commit suicide or start becoming FtMs.

Idk, I think the world would actually be a bit better without men. If it means that I'd disappear too then so be it.

Nobody cares what I think, but why not share my thoughts when it's anonymous.

>Yeah I said it's partially true and then followed it up with "it's some lesser % of men committing a greater % of the crime".
>So if you read the whole sentence it's
"Men commit a higher percentage of crime (as a class) but when you break it down it's actually small subsections of individuals committing said crimes at absurd rates".
>Most people commit zero violent crime, including men. Of people who do, a majority of them just commit once or twice. It's just that a fuckload of violent people commit a fuckload of violent crime and since there's no way to filter them out of the class as a whole it taints one's perspective if they don't look at the whole picture.
This is a good point.
Again, I'm not trying to argue with you now that you've clarified things, but to explain myself, I just wanted to point out that even such disparities are driven by literal power dynamics. I'm sorry for the annoyance.

Women are noble savages