Women are literally disabled

Women are literally disabled.
"Transphobes" are actively doing you a favor by trying to make you not ruin your body and brain.

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FtMs already know this. Transitioning is the logical consequence of being born in an essentially crippled body.

The alternative is killing myself so yeah I think I know what I'll take

I’m already worthless and pathetic, so if I can make myself cute and make boys wanna take care of me then I win :3

I’m already a weak cuck though

If this wasn't the case then there would be no argument about women's sport.

Man, we know that. And I wish I were normal. I was a gymrat, I was a gay top, but it just made me suicidal. And waking up in a step down unit after "accidentally" ODing and seeing your bf's red face because he's crying his ass off doesn't feel good at all.

going on T doesn't "fix" women tho

It helps with developing muscles and certain mental skills though. Gotta work with what you got instead of submitting to an easy defeat against nature's cruelty.

Taking testosterone won't change bone or muscle structure. You'll just sacrifice your fertility for being slightly physically better than you were before.
While reducing some other mental skills meanwhile by virtue of being female you'll never have any significant skill in anything, mental or physical, so the most value you can give is being a baby factory, so why don't you do that?

Why did you do this to him? You broke up with him didn't you?

I was always infertile, I'm doing just fine in my compsci degree in an asian country though so keep coping

>by virtue of being female you'll never have any significant skill in anything, mental or physical

Do you truly believe in this? If yes, why?

okay that's it I'm going full-on misandrist

Nta but it usually goes like this:
>all the smartest people are men and men are higher IQ
>what's a variability hypothesis? What do you mean the smartest people and the dumbest people are men, but I need to look at the averages?
>What do you mean that the average IQs by gender are pretty similar?
>IQ is fake anyway
>all studies are fake
>every single man is smarter than every single woman because I say so
>this is proven by the fact that all the smartest people are men
>stop bringing up variability hypothesis, you use all these big words acting like you're better than me

That's depressing, I wish people would see beyond bodies

Then they aren't training them correctly, if this is the case.

Soldier readiness starts at the trainer level.

Furthermore, when was this research published and where?

I'm interested, on the basis that I used to be battalion staff in an artillery regiment, during my second enlistment.

Dunno what the deal with the marines is, I was Army.

There's no way that anyone can be expected to believe that there's 0 influence in terms of the way that they were trained, when people coming out of 0311 school have a 28% hit rating, rofl.

Also a 44% hit rating on targets during tables of record is fucking dismal too?

or even
>every single woman i have ever met is stupid
>you can't generalize your subjective experience onto 50% of the population
>yes i can also you're stupid

IQ is a good way to measure intelligence but when we're talking about women they're retarded in their womanly ways which probably do not correlate with IQ. Women are on average lower IQ than men.

Also having high IQ is useless if you don't use it for anything, no matter if you're man or woman. I'd argue that women tend to not use their IQ more often than men. They gravitate towards living life on the easy mode. Not that I'm blaming them for doing that.

>retarded in their womanly ways

He's got such a way with words

It's a treatment, not a cure. The best treatment we know of so far.

>Also having high IQ is useless if you don't use it for anything, no matter if you're man or woman. I'd argue that women tend to not use their IQ more often than men. They gravitate towards living life on the easy mode. Not that I'm blaming them for doing that

Ok I can honestly agree with that, probably the first sane point I've seen so far in semi-needless IQ slapfights. It's just strange when anons drive that conclusion all the way into "all women are so dumb that they cant do anything useful". It's more like there is unironically lifelong pressure on men to be ambitious and constantly on the grindset, and conversely there is a SAHM-fallback plan for many women. And at the same time, there's always a few workaholic girlbosses/female savants who choose that path in life anyway. The reason that such women are not more common is because women have other choices as well, and are not subject to heavy socal pressures to be ambitious.