Can trans girls compete in female sport?

Can trans girls compete in female sport?

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i truly dont care

i truly dont care

i truly dont care

esport yes

i truly dont care

sports are overrated, it’s the most pointless hill to die on. i think if you transition before puberty it shouldn’t matter, otherwise you’re just giving cis people a valid reason to hate us

i love sports but i will not play anymore or i will only keep playing against males :/

You do.

I agree with this

>Sports are overrated
>Any Forums

So trans people shouldn't compete in female sport?

Sound like an alpha thing to do if you can beat them up

o okay, if i care then i think that cis ladies should be outlawed in womens spirts and only transfems should be allowed to play bc sports are an amab thing like dying in wars and working at oil dredges

im very good at sports, so i will keep only playing casual against men while i can boymode

If they’ve been on hrt with cis ranges for 5 years and had srs for at least 3 years then yes, I think mtfs can compete in womens sports but not like how they are doing it right now.

What do you play?


What do you mean how they are doing right now?
But why bother 5 years? The fact that you're bio male is enough to make it unfair to some.

I'd say the solution to these problem is to push more unisex sports but then I feel like men is going to be dominated in that area anyway? Idk

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Yeah, blanket bans are feels > facts. In America they just banned anyone mtf even the gigayoungshits everyone on here loves to simp for (not like they should be given special privileges over normal trans ppl)

If there was ever proof this hysteria was based only on transphobia and not on "fairness", this is it.

Go check out some of essenceofthought's videos on this. She goes a lot into different evidence that we have about this and shows how it's pretty ridiculous to blanket ban trans women from women's sports.

>What do you play?
football (soccer), handball, volleyball, etc
im too small to basketball and tennis is a rich ppl sport here but i would love to play tennis

only youngshits and some midshits, on hrt

i think it purely depends on the criteria of the sport. if it can be reduced down to the most powerful physique winning [eg who is the fastest, can lift the most etc] then tranners are unfairly advantaged. something like archery or curling or horseback riding doesn't seem as inherently unfair.
having a unisex division in street skating for instance could work because the judging criteria is broad enough but the same is not true for snowboarding because the relationship between mass, speed and airtime is too fundamental.

>average /jp/ poster playing iidx

>mid pieces of shit

without a blanket ban you'd open yourself up to an endless flood of lawsuits from seething squarejarred visigothic hons.