Oldshits & hons arent really trans and you should treat them as men

They literally did nothing as their bodys twisted and masculinized with Testosterone then suddenly decided to transition in their 20s?

Lol I was injecting alcohol in my balls when I was 13 because of the desperation of becoming a man and somehow I must believe that oldshits who sat through 10 fucking years of male puberty are women.Give me a break

Thank God that their masculinization is super hard to erase and they will spend their lifes being considered disgusting hons by most of society.This is the only justice we get

I only wished they didnt associate with the trans community and made actual trans people look bad by association

>"But my f-family bad! But didnt know t-trans existed"

If you were really a trans woman you would have overcome these obstacles instead of sitting in your room for 10 years getting high on testosterone

Attached: 1632016509698.png (967x989, 733.2K)

if you injected alcohol in your balls that shit woulda fallen off. low effort bait

*gives you attention*

Roll no fatty

>Lol I was injecting alcohol in my balls when I was 13
You're clearly completely retarded and have zero credibility

i want more trans athletes because i hate sports and its funny to see legislators beat their chest like enraged gorillas over it; keep cheating besties!!

why you fall for bait like this...

Attached: animee.png (836x864, 429.3K)

Yeah It didnt work out and almost killed me.(but it did ruin one of my testicles)

They took me to the hospital,but by them my parents had no choice but let me transition or I wpykd keep doing stupid shit in desperation

Thats the point

what was i supposed to do, exactly? i didn't even know what testosterone and estrogen DID, if someone would have TOLD me when i was 12 that a.) becoming a girl was possible and b.) that in order to have the best chance at doing so i needed to get rid of testosterone at all costs and cut off my balls with a hacksaw if necessary then i probably would have cut my balls off with a hacksaw

at least i'm lucky and my puberty was weak as hell
wait is this post an allegory larp for how midshits make fun of genuine 50yo oldshits
in which case i do sort of see the point, except that kids are far more sheltered than adults

i guess adults in really fucked up communities could be so sheltered they never find out about transition until they're 50???? maybe????? somehow?

Its mainly complaining aboutbpeople who transitioned after their early 20s (so basically oldshits)

>Be you, bitchass youngshit that got coddled into thinking you're untouchable
I would've been institutionalized if I did what you did, not allowed to transition, but thrown in a psych ward. Most likely declared incompetent and treated like a child forever.
I realize this is probably bait, but your coward ass would never disrespect me in public.
t. Megaoldshit

Bad bait but I'll bite, I did start in my 20s, tried to Kermit it then repressed hard as a result of hospitalization and drug abuse. Plus I guess I'm lucky I didn't have a full make puberty. Most people don't notice me (proportionally feminine due to being intersex) and for being 31 I pass exceedingly well for somebody my age

You even talk like a man,lol

So before your 20s you were perfectly fine with your gender and made zero attempts to transition?

I don't have shit to prove to you. I did what I had to, to survive, and now I'm living my best life. I'm pretty AF too, mostly pass; look like a milf and everything. IDGAF if I fit your definition of a woman; I've met plenty of cis women manlier than I'll ever be.
You've had shit handed to you on a silver platter and instead of enjoying it, you get triggered when other people don't pass. You're a joke and you're weak.

No I was sennt to conversion therapy as a child. I was told my problems were due my issues with my genitalia being malformed. Early 2000s were a shit time. Use to have Drs force my testes to descend, they're internal and that's where they live now until the orchie in a few months

Brawlers rise up

Bait, op transitioned at 23 and is self harming

should you really take pride in being MORE mentally ill than boomerhons?

B8 and zaged

The Cluster B sounds an awful lot like Lapis

I've never seen her turn on someone for no reason but if someone intentionally hurts her or one of her friends and manages to get a crit they better start running

I picture lapis's wall to have a bunch of mounted tripfag trophy heads with contorted features that she uses to hang her expensive coats