Why are they like this

transbians act like straight men "ick a MAN!!" like

It's so bad politically to be like "EWWW MEN" (hurts trans women who want to be loved in public) and let they act like they're gloria steinem for being like "EWWW MEN I'm a LEsBIAN"

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you seem a bit upset over a twidder joke

I mean she's not completely wrong, a lot of bisexual trannies are only with men because they can't find a tranny/cisgirl willing to top. I've seen it said here multiple times.

>a lot of bisexual trannies are only with men because they can't find a tranny/cisgirl willing to top
why would you want a tranny top

FtMs are fine bt wtf

they pass it off as a "joke" but they react to men/'attraction to men the same way homophobic straight men do.

i think she was implying they’re not even really by just dick starved transbians. either way this isnt something worth getting angry over

>but they react to men/'attraction to men the same way homophobic straight men do.
they are not nearly as vitriolic or violent about it. a tranny making a tired “ew men” joke on twitter is not oppressing you.

as a straight trans woman i can assure you transbians get vitriolic or violent when they learn that you are not into them, and actually love men

1000%, they act extra weird towards other trans women, I guess because they can get away with it.

This board has no right to complain about transbians being negative about other people's sexual interests.

Transbian rapehon freaks literallt says “hah, you’re a fetishist for mutants and masculinity is poison and liking men is literally the same as having a quad amputee fetish”. They make “masculinity is evil and obsolete and we should end moids” with far more vitriol than any cis feminist I’ve ever seen

>They make “masculinity is evil and obsolete and we should end moids” with far more vitriol than any cis feminist I’ve ever seen
Yes, because they do it the same way that a straight man goes "looool I would never fuck a dude GROSS" except with more boob obsession cause they're AGP

Do trannies really have a hard time finding guys who want to top them?

Not in 2022 I don't think.

they are talking of top transbians, she calling all transwomen transbians , but you know "just didnt get dicked right yet"

basically she's just being weird and "MEN amirite" like a millennial comedian.

These comedians don’t legit call for anti-male eugenics and think androphilia is some kind of fetish. Transbians have legit hatred for men and androphilic people

Oh yeah, the way transbians turn their hate into straight trans women and gay men is beyond nuts.

Like, they hate drag queens etc. it's just... homophobic at that point?

transbian here, sorry about that, that seriously sounds SUPER uncomfortable. verbally assaulting someone for rejecting you is sexual harassment, full stop. nobody should have to go through that.
i don't get how ppl can be so entitled to someone else's body like that. i think maybe the problem is misogynistic transwomen acting in ways that are consistent with their misogynistic mindset. so like if the transwoman thinks of women as inferior, they're going to treat them like shit regardless of their sexual preferences, and then if they want to date men they're going to be in a situation where they see the person they're interacting with as an equal and treat them with respect, but if they want to date women, they will think that they're entitled to their bodies even if they see themselves as women because they're not self-aware enough to realize how dumb as fuck being a misogynist is.
i think the best way to try to deal with this problem in our communities is making it clear that being a woman means renouncing manhood and the toxic masculinity that comes with it while making sure to divorce the idea from someone's sexual preference; targeting transbian incels specifically instead of all transwoman incels just further divides our community when we need to stand strong against the patriarchy w our cis sisters
i definitely have said shit like
>society would be better if men didn't exist
but it was in response to someone being a dickheaded asshole in an mmo area chat and like i didn't really mean it
will tone that shit down in the future if it makes androphiles feel targeted, didn't really think about it from that point of view. looking back on it from that perspective makes it seem really insensitive lol def gonna try to stop being that particular brand of stupid in the future

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No. It's because being with a woman doesn't provide the same feeling of security that being with a man does.

you write like the idea of a man got of a stacy, try toning it done when you talk of misoginy

In the case of bisexual bottoms, this lady isn't wrong