Injections just arrived

>injections just arrived
>terrified of injecting myself
how the fuck do I get over this feel?

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music, something to call u down, maybe another person? idk user im in the same boat (soon to be hopefully)

the good news is you’re fembrained. the bad news is that you sound like a pooner. ice it before you stick it in. world of a difference

this sounds like one of those things that don't sound dangerous but will actually you if you do it, if other anons vouch I will

>will actually you
will actually kill you*

same user! no worries, it’s not dangerous. ice it first and then wipe with an alcohol wipe. the cold makes it so that you don’t feel the needle break the skin at all.

>OP pic
me n my dad

picrel is what I do every week for every injection, as fast as I can drink it

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learn to enjoy pain now. If you're a real tranny there'll be a lot more to come

I always have TV or a podcast on in the background to calm me down while I'm jabbing myself personally

Have some tranny actually died from injections?

Did it 5 times now and Im still scared. Feels like im injecting death everytime and the next few hours Im overly paranoid about any kind of pain or itch I can feel


I've done subq on my tummy area but I feel like I've been doing it wrong. I switched to thighs and it feels better

Ill let u know if I do

im more scared of dying because I twitched the wrong way after inserting desu

does anyone have one of those subq guide images handy btw

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I'll be honest I tear up a little every time still, and I've been doing this every week for 39 weeks now - but I like to just take a few breaths to calm down and remind myself I'm injecting the medication that makes my body change the way I want it to, and my body has a lot of good repair and distribution mechanisms built in to handle this kind of thing plus I'm using a quick alcohol wipe on the vial and the skin before injecting

"z-tracking" or kind of pulling the skin apart with you fingers to make it taut helps to reduce bleeding by the way, and I've found it almost always helps to be sitting up right and kind of aim for the middle portion of your upper-outer thigh
(don't refrigerate your E unless told otherwise, and you might have syringes with one needle for draw and one for injection like I do, I recommend it)

it's injection night and I get a little nervous too sometimes, so I have all this on the brain and I'm about to do mine

>afraid of a little prick
buncha girls in this thread ;-)

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>(don't refrigerate your E unless told otherwise, and you might have syringes with one needle for draw and one for injection like I do, I recommend it)
Im using disposable insulin needles, is that bad?

I've been on injections for like over 3.5 years and I still can't over the fear. I have other people do my injections most of the time

shut up I'm a big manly man

no, I think those are probably fine, I used to use the same combined syringe/needle for draw and injection and I had no real issues with it, it just hurts maybe a tiny bit less with a fresh needle at a smaller gauge

I've only done it 3 times now I only ended up with a drop of blood the first time. It still is a little nerve wrecking right before I stick in but I just take a few breaths and do it... I honestly do hope it gets easier

I use 27g insulin needles but I'm sure you can get away with 30g which is even less painful

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get something else besides injections
like sublingual