Voice passing

is there a single mtf who started after like 18 and got an actually passing voice without VFS?

every person I've seen who claims to have one only posts tiny snippets of their voice and when I've actually talked to a couple of them over discord their regular voice doesn't really pass

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people here say mine does but idk

Yeah omg ur voice is rly goood and I love it !!

Started at 19.5
Here’s 17 minutes youtu.be/uU6yfMw1hBA
Pardon the tism
It’s absolutely doable user it just takes a lot of effort, keep your larynx up, keep your pitch up, brighten your vowels, and you’re certain to succeed with time

Old voice for comparison
Always had the deepest voice of all my friends and was told as much plenty lol


I started in my early-ish 20s, and this week had one of my students (I teach high school) ask me when I was having children (as if I could carry kids myself) and a fellow staff member talked to me about breastfeeding as though it was something I’d be doing soon when I had a kid of my own. My bi female friend (cis) says my voice is ‘sultry and bang-able’ and when I went to go see one of my old professors from undergrad last week (who I hadn’t seen since I was just starting my transition) she and the department secretary didn’t recognize me and both complimented my voice.

voice is okay, sounds feminine but definitely clockable imo

the pitch is almost too high and doesn't sound natural, like not even cis women have voices that high usually. maybe try lowering the pitch a bit?


yeah your voice is amazing, probably the best I've heard on here, at least in ages desu

how long did it take you to get there?

thank you!
i've been voice training for roughly 12 months now.
i started at 19 too


Do they not?

my voice always passes on the phone but i think i sound terrible, gf's both love my voice

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I have a passing voice since my voice didn't drop much anyways, was a high tenor.

Well I started at 19 and I've had cis people tell me they didn't know I was trans until I came out to them, so my voice obviously passes





i'm an hgh deficit incel (not literally and not ugly, just the "incel" phenotype lol) who transitioned at 25 and my voice, body and face pass

also u see plenty of cis men irl with a very high voice. and u see many femboys who are in the 99th percentile of passing but have deeper voices. it's genetic and not so simple as just age or testosterone or whatever

why would you come out to anyone if they didn't know you were trans?

also checked

Gotta find those chasers