Fuck I’m AGP

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I know your pain op

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that would have been sweet but sadly you didn't get bingo sorry user :(

What does this mean??

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13 of hsts and 11 of agp

I'm bisexual idk I feel like the typology is dumb

Oops forgot pic

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AGP af

AGP is based

I’ll cry for you who’ve just found out that you’re AGPs

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Probably AGP

Omg I'm gonna cry about it

Agp/hsts is just another in a long list of batshit insane psychological theories that I don't really have to care about because they don't mean anything

Go fuck your mum like freud thinks you want to

Are you sure? Aren't they even?

Yeah but
>Male to female transformations were arousing
If the thought of turning into a woman ever aroused you, that's AGP
>Had an erection to a woman
A sexuality other than exclusively liking men has a very strong correlation with AGP

I’m at the moment a cis flamer fag so a lot of stuff isn’t going to apply

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Wrong way around on that first one I find the idea of forcing someone into a sort of transformation to be really hot

I don't see what me being bi has to do with the possibility of me having a fetish for being a woman?

Here's mine, now what does it mean?
What do you mean by being incorrigiblly feminine? I thought that word meant something bad?
I knew boys weren't supposed to be extremely feminine but I never thought it was a major problem like getting poor grades in school or ditching.

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>Wrong way around on that first one I find the idea of forcing someone into a sort of transformation to be really hot
Ah, then I take that back and change my answer to "don't know"
>I don't see what me being bi has to do with the possibility of me having a fetish for being a woman?
It's not diagnostic but there's a strong correlation. AGP is much rarer in people who are attracted exclusively to men than in all the other groups


isn’t this like early 2000s COGIATI/True Transsexual type shit? Like it’s barely even blanchardian
Not that Blanchard was a particularly good researcher relative to the retard who made the cogiati lol

>isn’t this like early 2000s COGIATI/True Transsexual type shit? Like it’s barely even blanchardian
Looks like a roughly even mix of Blanchardist stuff and Any Forums stereotypes to me.

I've only ever been attracted to men so technically would be HSTS, but I still tick plenty of the AGP boxes

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