I’m a prominent internet figure and am trans but haven’t told my fans yet. Is there any way to do so or am I boned...

I’m a prominent internet figure and am trans but haven’t told my fans yet. Is there any way to do so or am I boned? >_< (pic related is me)

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Youre boned...

Do you perchance like inflation porn?

>haven’t told my fans yet. Is there any way to do so
Yes, you could reach out to your audience through social media. Post a tweet, make a yt video, etc.

Something clear that explains your feelings but not too wordy

Should I just go public then.. I cross play on Patreon and my gf don’t mind but I’m scared my fans will disown me if they know truth >_>
Captcha: IM8RT

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Do it gradually. Come out as bi (even if you’re straight), then say you’re questioning, then say you’re gender non-confirming. Don’t worry about mixing up your timeline, those that will stick around until your final reveal will accept your explanation.

Esp on YouTube, you'll gain waaaaay more than you'll lose. All publicity is good publicity. Godspeed, you cute little lesbian.

Yah... honestly if people are gonna leave they're gonna leave and it's best to rip off the bandaid instead of playing will they won't they until people rip their eyes out
Best get it over with and try to move forward

When you say prominent, what do you mean?

Fuck that, sow chaos and reveal everything at once, then book a weekend for your transition. Why wait?

I’m not saying don’t transition right now, just don’t let your audience know.

Though not put well this is true
You gotta get it over with because people who are gonna leave are gonna leave and you being trans WILL come out so it's better to rip the bandaid off

really depends on what kinda content you make.
different target audiences have varying reactions and if yours happens to be males aged 13-18 you are so fucked

This is the reason I'm not starting a YouTube/Twitch channel or whatever until my voice passes/until I'm already a few years into transition.

If you're gonna do it, just do it lol. Transition legit is 20x easier if you have money(unless you're a britbonger anyways lmfao)

>just don’t let your audience know.
Again, fuck that, purge the weak.

I disagree. Being trans is still pretty weird to wrap their head around for normies, plenty of good people will stick around if you ease them into it. It’s up to OP if they find that worth the effort.

i would say you should rather let it out. Some people will leave, yeah, but you will be better off without them anyway.

Is this pyrocinical?

I REALLY hope this is pyrocinical

Pyro doesn’t crossplay on patreon.

does he?


Uhhhh bros...

Attached: EYIJFdbXYAArTzW.jpg (1080x1058, 98.49K)

Unironically same. Then I can stop being so fucking jealous of a cis man, and instead be jealous of a fellow tranny. If pyro is reading this, fuck you, release a makeup tutorial. Also petscop 2.

I'm losing. my fucking mind

There's no way this isn't just someone larping as pyro rn, right?

Honestly? Kinda cute

Being a public kyokofag is worse desu

our favorite little lesbia-
FUCK she planned it from the start

I'm gonna lose my shit if pyro troos
If so she's definitely getting more views from me

If this is pyro, know that your audience is not insignificantly Any Forums retards, so this would not go over smoothly. However, I think most people would be accepting.

Also stop making lazy show reviews.

Bro, everyone already knows, just come out already.

This 100
I really hope she troons soon

I'm not gonna lie, I am getting kinda sick of the tiktok show reviews.im sorry pyro someone had to say it

release shrek has swag 5