Every time i see a cringe fat girl with a round face i think "pooner" now because of this board...

Every time i see a cringe fat girl with a round face i think "pooner" now because of this board. Yesterday a female tubby asked me where the grocery store was, i told her, she thanked me and i was a slip of the tongue away from saying "bye lil pooner" to her.

Attached: 1644329780754.webm (320x568, 860.75K)

r/thingsthatneverhappened r/4tran


No I can actually see this happening
Almost called a woman i know is cis a hon because of her shoulders


Fucking redditard kys nigger

r/WhiteBoySex r/ihavereddit r/antiwork

what's ur problem lol? see u at r/iamverybadass incel

I'm not an incel you retard
My problem is fucking idiots from reddit coming here to try and be "cool and edgy"

r/seethe ur coping and probably depressed everyone uses reddit including u probably lol incel

How can I be an incel if I'm a tranny?
Also I'm not a virgin.
Also fuck back off to suckle on your moms teet you stupid reddit fuck

uh oh someone needs to subscribe r/angermanagement

femcel edgelord ur coping and seething and dilating
+1 lol user isn't trying to be special acting like they don't use reddit

I am a very calm person.

No I am not a femcel and no i am not coping (or seething)

but are you dilatin'?

what does this video mean

I think a switch is some sort of game emulator which they're admiring but they're put off by the white man, because he's white.. though it's hard to decipher

isnt it just because a switch isnt food

ah, both equally plausible, good theory user

When I see men who definitely wouldn't pass if they transitioned I call them a "man hon" in my head.

fat poon X manhon alliance