Why do bottoms/tranners want to be treated like children so much?

why do bottoms/tranners want to be treated like children so much?

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for bottoms its probably a creepy fetish thing

for transgenders we never had a childhood as the gender we want to be so when we start to transition we want to be treated as kids a lot also a lot of transgenders act like kids since they only lived a few years as the gender they want

i have deep psychological trauma caused by abusive father. so, in my partner i'm looking for a father figure i've never had

Because they were abused as children and want to forget it.

I may be alone on this one but reigniting the few positive childhood memories I have as opposed to constantly dwelling on the trauma that never left my conscience is comforting

women and children share a lot of similarities in the male mind
not even wrong really though, women love infantilizing themselves
if they passed, it wouldn't bother you

daddy issues

I want to feel weak and small compared to my partner

>having a guy pull your hair while he's brutally railing you from behind is being treated like a child
NO! That's not how you treat children OP.
I'm calling child protection services right now.

I just want to be pampered and taken cared of.

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Something about a girl or boy that wants to be talked down to and looked after is intensely attractive to me. Someone who looks up to me and wants my support and affection.

I could never actually date a child though, even immature adults make me cringe hard. It's very unattractive.

> Something about a girl or boy that wants to be talked down to and looked after is intensely attractive to me. Someone who looks up to me and wants my support and affection.

Me! Me! Me! Pick me! I am a highly functioning adult, I got my shit together, but I need someone to give me a kiss before bedtime.

If only, user. If only.


I'm unable to take care of myself and I need someone to take complete care of me.

No, seriously. Ok, I do have some issues, but my issues are nothing compared to shit that people often share here.

We all have issues, user. It's more that we're probably worlds apart and possibly incompatible in other ways.

What issues do you have out of curiosity?

I guess that the biggest red flag is having suicidal thoughts. Whenever something bad happens to me, my first reaction is "I want to die". I get extremely depressed and stuff.

Also, I have poor social skills and self-awareness. I haven't been diagnosed, but a few friends of mine agree that I might be a highly functioning autist. I'm not saying Chris Chan level of autism, but rather "yeah this guy is a bit crazy and can be an asshole, but some people do like him nonetheless". Which is kinda almost normal, I guess.

Other than that I think I don't have much beyond weird personality traits and harmless quirks/fetishes.

This is exactly what happened to my t-girl gf. I enjoy being that figure for her, with plenty of love and affection.... we have sex too though.

I would call my exes "dad", especially during sex.

I see what you mean. I'm also someone who's dealt with depression before, but that was from a long period of underachievement. It was more of a stable constant depression, rather than having things knock me about on a regular basis.

What do you mean by people thinking that you can be an asshole? Are you sometimes accidentally insensitive because of your social unawareness?

I read on here some time ago that it's to do with being back to a situation of being cared for. Allegedly, when boys grow up they will quickly get less intense attention from their mother, and relatively soon are expected to be self-sufficient.
When they are cared for by another (their partner) again, it triggers behaviours from last that happened, i.e. childhood. Never looked deeper into it tho so who knows.

It wasn't really abuuuse, he just didn't know any better

> What do you mean by people thinking that you can be an asshole?

1. Sometimes I do indeed lack social awareness. Couple that with love of dark/inappropriate humor, and you get a recipe for a disaster.

2. I sometimes find it difficult to contain my emotions. It was a massive leap forward for me to try to recognize moments when I'm angry, and then just take a break so that I don't accidentally say things I don't really mean.