Why are trans girls always so horny

why are trans girls always so horny

captcha: agpah

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Only because when men or women validate my gender I get euphoria boners. It’s normal and healthy

most of us spend our lives extremely sexually repressed

why when i read here it says you want 6'6 man but irl i am a manlet and all of you give off vibes like you want to rape me

ppl all the time literally just talk or joke about wanting to fuck me, i dont even initiate it mostly. seems like everyone else is extremely horny/thirsty most of the time. not on this board but discord for example

Progesterone knocks hornyness into hyperdrive for a good many of us.

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I stopped taking my E for a month so I’d stop feeling horny. It’s the hormones my dude. Also like, as a rule people generally like sex

i can only get horny now if i dissociate hard enough

we're terminally online neets and also mentally ill, duh

not true user, half of us are not like you jerks, we're gainfully employed to help fund our mentally ill terminally online lifestyle.

What's the true explanation for captchas seeming to predict what we're posting

google is becoming sentient.. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

my owner keeps me plugged i guess thats why?

I'm not, I have no idea why so many are so horny. Makes me think most troons are just pornsick degenerates.

Male people have higher libido than women

fake news !

Where are the horny, dominant ones? I've wanted to be a slave to a trans girl.

I’m post op so i have no testosterone but estrogen spikes still make me feel very sexual and even though there’s less of an urgent need to masturbate like before transition I still get night orgasms

in relationships. They are rare as hens teeth. your best bet is to find a man moder.

that's yet another reason why men make better women.

Can't give birth
Kill/cut themselves
Can't cook
Ugly and weird
Long faces
Tiny, malformed tits
Men make repulsive parodies of women

Guess I'll stick to women then

>Can't give birth
>Kill/cut themselves
women only talk about it
>Can't cook
they can if you teach them they love to learn
>Ugly and weird
down to earth and won't dump your ass and take the kids the moment you fall on hard times
>Long faces
>Tiny, malformed tits
no saggy oversized milk bags
>Men make repulsive parodies of women
that's where you're wrong kiddo

go fuck your cis hags this is /tttt/ land

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