Maybe I should stop arguing with transphobes on Any Forums so much...

Maybe I should stop arguing with transphobes on Any Forums so much. It's hard when Any Forumstards have infiltrated every single board on the entire website and almost every single thread turns into a tranny-bashing circlejerk.

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why do you care about those dwellers in the first place

You won't because it turn you on.

Why argue? You're very unlikely to change anyone's minds. The only point in it is if you enjoy it.
t. professional internet debater

Why wouldn't I? The obsessive hatred and bile and vitriol they have for transpeople is revolting. There's no excuse to treat anyone that terribly. Absolutely none.

I only argue and "correct the record" when it gets shoved in my face as a non sequitur on other boards, sick of the tranny mania and Any Forumsqa/acks spouting shit that people actually start to believe and has no basis in reality

but you wont change the way they think

the only thing you can do is wait for their death

testosterone fried their brain with the desire to hate someone seen as inferior

>Why argue?
Extremely severe anger issues and poor impulse control

Same. Honestly, at this point, maybe there should just be a "transphobe" containment board, with it being a bannable offense to post anti-trans stuff anywhere else. That might be a bad idea, I don't know.

Hons have no basis in reality.

>maybe there should just be a "transphobe" containment board, with it being a bannable offense to post anti-trans stuff anywhere else
it's called Any Forums
we have our containment board, and they have theirs, the mods just need to stop the ridiculous spam at a certain point

Tranny fatigue has set in, and a lot of trannies grew up as straight white men so have never experienced any minority issues.

>it's called Any Forums
Fair enough. Yeah, anti-trans posts should be a bannable offense everywhere except pol. I mean, even if it DIDN'T piss me off so intensely, it's still white noise that renders much of the site unusable.

great lets make a diaper containment board as well, we can call it /vt/

you think maybe? internet discussions are never going to be good because it lacks the emotional investment of talking to a real human person in front of you

>muh Any Forums
nah, all normies hate you, but this is the only place they can say it without fear

OP here, you realize I'm not trans, right?

There are many good and intelligent internet discussions. They just very rarely take place on Any Forums.

>Tranny fatigue has set in
this website has been obsessed with trannies for 6 years

I get it, I have horrible impulse control and get into arguments where I know I won’t change their minds. Maybe take a break from Any Forums for a bit?

Yeah. At this point, I seriously have to wonder - is it ever going to end? I am thankfully a cishet, but this constant, seething hatred and bile and misinformation is stressful as fuck even for me, and I'm miles away from the demographic.

Yeah, I've been trying to unglue myself from Any Forums for quite a bit now because I just do not belong here for many different reasons, pretty limited success so far though.

why are you on /tttt/ if you're cishet?

I was in a Any Forums thread the other day with a trans girl acting really really over-the-top and for some reason almost everyone was really nice to her. (Admittedly, probably because they wanted to fuck her. I was one of them. Though I would've been nice even if I didn't want to.)

Only one person came in to say something mean, and all he did was snarkily greentext with something like ">trans >attractive". Was an interesting shift.

>nah, all normies hate you, but this is the only place they can say it without fear
Right-wingers, yeah.

>why are you on /tttt/ if you're cishet?
NTA but: because the rest of the website is full of delusional, psychotic retards who scream about Jews, trannies, black people, globohomo, vaccines, and Soros 24/7. This is the only board that has those people as a minority.