What's the most transfem distro?

What's the most transfem distro?

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Something Arch based that's not Arch because Arch is for posers

knowing what distro means is tranny enough


Fedora is too close to RHEL which is too close to actually having to work

yeah but its based and gnomepilled

MacOS is the most transfem distribution of UNIX

i'm not trans i'm a gay male but I've been running Slackware since 2004

Do we trannies like BSD things, or Unix bad.


I miss Crunchbang like you would not believe

Have you tried BunsenLabs?

Its your picrel. Super practical but layered under miles of needless esoteric bs and requires constant upkeep with the project developments to be productive. It's perfect for autists.
Runners up:
>Guix bc its the same thing + freedom meme
>Arch bc meme
>Debian bc freedom meme
>HURD bc ultra freedom meme

Tranjaro because every update has a 41% chance of breaking.

>layered under miles of needless esoteric bs and requires constant upkeep with the project developments to be productive
>super practical
linux users amirite

its like going from assembly to haskell but for system management

Distributions based on other distributions are made by posers and thus for posers. You are thinking of Void Linux.

You either pick Practical, or Super Practical**

I thought the void meme died.

Anything that allows me to avoid Windows is worth the trouble honestly.
Void isn't a meme. Similar to Arch, Void is genuinely a good distro, it just has an incredibly retarded community which makes it very memeable.

I'm mtf and I use Debian because muh freedom and muh stability but also Nix (the program, not the OS) for several Haskell projects. I am a walking meme.

whats a distro

Congratulations, user, you pass

TAILS because trannies are drug addicts