Transition and be a miserable outcast

>transition and be a miserable outcast
>repress and be a miserable outcast
how are these my options? i hate this life

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what am i supposed to do??

if you choose to transition you'll probably at least be a more self-satisfied miserable outcast, maybe even enough to one day not be miserable or an outcast

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Do you need a friend? I’ll be your friend like…you don’t /HAVE/ to be an outcast.

listen even ugly bitches can make friends, trans or not, just try and make friends online or something to fill the void. if you still can’t you’re either hyper-fucked levels of anxious about social situations or just fucking annoying. there’s a world of people out there. find yours.

>if you still can’t you’re either hyper-fucked levels of anxious about social situations or just fucking annoying

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Yeah, some of us are both those things. Maybe I should do it tonite.

I've been having a really bad day and trying hard not to go down that rabbithole mentally but the complete isolation and loneliness and feeling of being so fucking alien to anyone else is getting to be too much

>life is shit
>life is still shit
>life is yet again shit
starting to think there's no winning move here

you sound cool. let's be friends

I don't get to have friends

look what I'm saying more than anything is fuck other people it's not a good or rational reason to an hero

option 3:
>boymode and elevate your male privilege by being aesthetically easy to look at

having a chill / polite personality also helps

I've gotten so many more social opportunities after going on HRT. My friend/dealer even have me a free bag the other day (and it wasnt light either lol, I still have some)

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>I don't get to have friends
how come? are you self-punishing?

I mean functionally, in practice, it is repeatedly and inevitably demonstrated to me that I am not good enough for other people and they either stop treating me like a friend and I withdraw or push them away as a result or they just stop including me in their lives and ghost me

I think I may know who you are. if I'm right, then I just think your personality may not be compatible with many other people's personalities. there's nothing wrong with you; you just need to be more selective with the pools you draw friends from

and if I'm wrong, then the advice might still apply

sounds like gender isn't your problem user

Nothing seems very good or rational anymore.

it's one of many problems

I chose the happy medium of going halfway and LDARing.

fuck is that?

This sentiment is supposed to help, but makes me sad. Kinda like:
>even serial killers and other psychos find love
>but I can't
>I am more messed up than serial killers

>your personality may not be compatible with many other people's personalities
so far that's proven to be all, and I think transitioning exposed just how much I was tolerating of this kind of incompatibility in a more numbed state as a result of trying to ignore other parts of my self

if you are who I think you are, I assure you you'll find some people. and if you aren't, you probably still will. don't give up hope

Lay down and rot.

I am always told that if you are authentic u will draw your tribe. Have u looked for people weird like you? Not speaking from exp btw.