Should children be allowed asthma medicine...

Should children be allowed asthma medicine? It causes lifetime medical consequences that they aren't mature enough to understand yet, and we can't rule out parental influence to push them into wanting shorter kids. Children suffering from asthma should be banned from treatment until they're 18.

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This is based I had asthma as a kid and my groomer parents kept giving me inhalers to treat my "symptoms" of suffocating. Now I'm a deranged mentally ill tranny. Who will pay for this?

True, doctors have no right to push this shit on children who are merely going through a natural process.

Bad analogy. Right-wingers and transphobes are retards, but it's perfectly normal for an uninformed, pro-trans person to read something and feel concerned over the idea of a 13-year-old having the opposite sex's puberty, especially if they think they're being influenced or pushed into doing so and may later regret it after the point some things are irreversible.

The arguments and propaganda leading them to think these things are invalid, but people aren't necessarily bad or transphobic or bigoted for having those concerns.

"Yeah queen, asma blockers are so dangerous /s"


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This. I had trouble breathing sometimes as a kid too but I grew out of it, and so will they.

It's just part of nature and they should learn to accept their bodies instead of ingesting dangerous chemicals to try and "cure" it. It's time we stopped playing make-believe and accepted Scientific Reality.

it’s so fucking retarded, it’s concern trolling, literally half the world goes through one of the puberties, it isn’t some sacred fucking thing, it’s retarded normie brainworms

>This. I had trouble breathing sometimes as a kid too but I grew out of it, and so will they.
yeah, literally all the kids who had asthma only got their attacks while at school when we were in p.e. and every slow kid got yelled at for not trying hard enough.

strange, really strange...

Like 80% of trannies are attracted to women lol

> but it's perfectly normal for an uninformed, pro-trans person to read something and feel concerned
Why? Why not asthma medicine or 100s of other far more extreme medications that millions of children take every day? Well I guess there's the anti-vaxxers... lol
>especially if they think they're being influenced or pushed
Why do they think that? Why aren't kids pushed into getting any other medication? It's because deep-down they don't believe anyone's dysphoria is real, adult or child.

It's not actually very reasonable for average normies to be "wary" of this, they're just trained to believe so by society. You shouldn't be so complacent or apologist for them, because every "concerned parent" has authority over a future trans kid who will have treatment withheld from them. If they "just don't know any better!' then maybe they should know better?

Most kids going on hrt will start blockers for a year or so before they are given any actual hormones of the opposite sex. Dysphoria is very strong, during this time most cis people should realize that this isnt for them. If you're so concerned for the possibility of cis people making it through this year and still committing to taking hrt for long enough to develope actual dysphoria, which doesn't happen btw, then why arent you concerned about the trans kids being forced to go through puberty that will make things irreversibly fucked that they will regret their entire life.
If a cis kid transes they can detrans and be mostly the same, if a trans kid goes through the wrong puberty they are the ones who have to live with this irreversibly fucked life that somebody else imposed on them to protect someone ultimately not in any danger.
I am the one who has to bear the pain and suffering of the decision my parents made for me, that I should have to wait until 25 when my body is done growing to make this decision. When I turned 18 I was able to do informed consent but it was long over by that point.

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nice psy-op, but you're not going to make me dislike gay people i'm sorry

Dysphoria and internalized honophobia are be kind of connected but I feel this is a you problem my guy lol. If you're a cos gay man and you can commit to years of a transition that you will eventually regret then you're horrible at reading your own feelings.
Gay men who transition will no longer attract other gay men as well, this just isnt the path for you. The danger you are in as a questioning gay child is still much less than the life of pain ahead of another trans kid being denied their right to live.

lol imagine thinking transitions does something other than make you gayer

>inhalers can stunt growth
I was diagnosed with asthma as a kid and they didn't bother giving me an inhaler til I was in uni and spitting up blood from bronchospasms :( reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

oh god gincel was spamming here too huh

>have asthma
>grow up all weird, short but ribcage keeps expanding
>apparently common with asthmatics
its literally so wide that my arms rest on the sides of my ribcage
>nobody does surgeries to unfuck ribcages like this
modern medicine is great

I guess you gotta breathe so hard it fucks up your ribs? man...

tfw was on the purple circle thing i forget as a kid

Also, I don't have the studies on hand so if someone else wants to post them, that'd be great, but if you look at the age of kids who desist, it's young kids. By the time they're teens and of the age for HRT, they're not very likely to desist anyway.

being able to breathe is a bit more important than being a fuckable loli
your analogy is bad and you should feel bad