/tbg/ - transbiangen

last: smol pp edition
qott: to bully, or to be bullied?

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Smol pp better than no pp

big agree


both is the superior dynamic

I think a smol pp is fine too, but don't advertise yourself as a top, if your shit is like 2 inches and doesn't get hard.

>tfw big pp bottom
god is cruel

nothing wrong with big pp bottom, plenty of people like that. The cruel god is smol pp top. I bet Putin isn't packing.

It's even more pathetic when they're tall and smoldicked.

how do you not feel like a joke to cis lesbians? it feels so egotistical to even hypothetically put myself in a position where a (((male))) is something lesbians need to have an opinion on in the first place one way or another. its like being a foreigner in the place that feeels the most like home.
is this why you only date other transbians or what

>man body
it's over

>how do you not feel like a joke to cis lesbians?
The cisbian and transbian communities are completely different, although there is a minuscule overlap in between. I prefer translesbianism because while even though I've been on dates with cis lesbians, ultimately there is an incompatibility when it comes to having a penis and stuff like that which is for the most part not present when it comes to transbians.

Girlbody with a mandick is the superior option.

i love bullying girls with small dicks and putting mine up too theyres

some might say the final solution..

god that sounds hot

i love bury ebil so much...........

it is. bullying failed men and watching them get flustered and bothered is so cute especially when they’re begging for somthing.

it would be so pogchamp if i were kissing a girl rn

big agree

Where would a cis female go to find passing transbian gf?

me too !