Remember when people thought bisexual men were hot, masculine tops..... and then they started to come out of the closet

Remember when people thought bisexual men were hot, masculine tops..... and then they started to come out of the closet

pic very related

Attached: vaush-soy.gif (640x516, 3.34M)

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>Remember when people thought bisexual men were hot

>shirt with tranny color
Someone needs to put him down before he troons out. Him coming out would be a PR disaster for tranners.

im a weak estrogenized faggot who gets sad instead of angry and would lose in a fight with an afab enby and i still want to pound this fucker's face in with a railroad spike it's just so punchable and he's just so cringe that seeing this gif makes my T levels spike

Vaush is pan, aka chaser. They make us look bad

He's literally acting like an ape, pounding around and screaming, what's unmasculine about it?

Vaush is straight. Well more specifically he's the kind of straight that would be OK with someone male so long as they're ridiculously feminine, allowing him to pretend he's with a woman. Destiny is similarly pathetic.

because when apes do that shit there's power behind it, they're chads and they fuck shit up, it's establishing dominance
vaush is trying to imitate their behavior but because he's a fat weak manchild it looks ridiculous

After they started coming out, all the stupid fag bottoms who imagined them as "spicy straights who are masculine, don't bottom and never suck dick" got their little fantasy ruined lol.

How do you surpass fucking BULL DYKES as fattest demography among fags? I thought that was impossible.

>develop attraction to women first
>assume I'm straight so when I do feel attraction to men I rationalize it as something else
>crush on dudes all my life but just assume I think they're "just really cool guys" and don't acknowledge the sexual tension I feel
>finally realize I'm bisexual
>relatively normal guy otherwise
>would only want to top with men but not really a fan of anal in general whether with men or women, would only do it if partner wanted it
>try joining LGBT spaces
>everyone assumes I'm either a tranny in denial, prison gay, or neckbeard


>Remember when people thought bisexual men were hot, masculine tops

on this very board just a few years ago people used to talk all the time about how hot and masc and daddy material philosophy toob was

I thank god that I'm tall and skinny otherwise my bisexuality would be seen as cope. fujos and otakus love me and I love them back...when they aren't fat

Is there proof he's bi? Why are you obsessed with whoever this is and bi men? I don't believe anyone but you conflates them.

Wait, are you seriously acting like Vaush isn’t an alpha male? Incredible. I’ll give you $5000 if you can get some poon tang by next month. Do you have any idea who you’re talking about? When Vaush got off tinder for the quarantine, tacoma wept.

He's straight. As is Destiny and just about any other left wing streamer/youtuber that claims to be any kind of LGBT.

destiny said multiple times he loves sucking mens dicks

And he's lying for clout. Either that or he's one of those "I could do it if I just pretended it was a woman" straight guys. Either way, heterosexual.

>Remember when people thought bisexual men were hot, masculine tops

No. No I don't. No one remembers that time because it never existed.

Attached: 1611677518661.jpg (171x208, 7.7K)

is vausha top, though?

4channers don't count as people