Supply chain has been bad for months

>supply chain has been bad for months
>Global pandemic rules are still in effect
>HRT sources have been slow to deliver
>Inevitable WWIII arrives
>HRT and hormones is gatekept and hondoses are implemented
You DID stock up on 3+ years supply right user?

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didnt and really starting to regret it

this just made me check aphrodites and apparently theyre down? is this recent?

i shaved my head and took clomid and called it a day. i don't fucking care anymore

Could this be related to Lena being in Ukraine rn?

no, aphrodites operates from portugal, about as far away as you can get from ukraine while still being in europe

all packages from EU member nations under higher scrutiny right now, sop, every black market distributor dealing with this rn

a bunch of stuff got attacked, concentrated in Ukraine though

first im hearing of that, why would that be? do you have a source on that? apparently aphrodites has been having technical difficulties since the 22nd and will be back up soon, so this is definitely unrelated

Fuck the government's reaction to all this. It's all their fault that the "supply chain" and all that is being hindered. They're making peoples' lives worse because they want to seize power and make people comply with nonsense so fucking hard.

>gatekept and hondoses are implemented
can't wait to get to UK-level rights when we get ugly

hopefully the covid shit will wind down now that ukraine has the news spotlight

I think it’ll be the exact opposite. With public opinion diverted, petty bureaucrats and their handlers will have no reason to change what they’re doing
Remember: there’s nothing as permanent as a temporary government program

ah, i think thats too conspiratorial. i think the restrictions, where they still do exist, are there because theyre still popular. when more real shit shows up, people will stop caring and the world will move on

There's too much money in covid for them to give it up. They're making so much fucking money with people getting their periodic forced jabs, periodic forced testing, and the places with established bureaucracy for vaxx-passports.

This is going to keep going forever unless the freedom convoys succeed. Welcome to the new normal.

theyd be making much more money with an intact supply chain and fully open economy. boomers will still line up for booster jabs in the winter. most of europe is dropping masks and vaxx passports, even for travel. the people who really benefit from covid are a select few who dont represent the entire group of shady influence wielders

Eh, I wouldn’t call keeping one’s own job around conspiratorial - it’s probably not entirely conscious - but I can’t pretend I don’t like me a good conspiracy theory
Tell you what let’s check how many restrictions are gone in 6 months and we’ll see who was more accurate then

6 months is boring, more indicative of the long term trajectory of this crap is which ones will be back in 9 months

Before all this began, I held the belief that people were inherently freedom-minded. That everybody wanted to be free to make their own choices in life, but the covid hysteria has proven that most people are sheep who believe anything a "leader" tells them and follows every order without question.

It's a very sad realization.

so you went from being a retard to being a retard in the opposite direction? people are more complicated than either of those extremes

I just ordered 120 days worth of finasteride.

I have enough E to last me a while but i really wanted finasteride and my doctor is refusing to prescribe it

except it isn't. you don't even have to wear a mask where I live, but most people still do because the mommy government haven't told them to stop.

so they are making a free choice you dont agree with and thus dont fit either of your simplistic categories? curious

More people are still gonna die from covid than we realize. The news has convinced everyone that the virus is gone congrats you fell for it.

do I have to spell everything out for you? are you just trying to test my knowledge? because I seriously think you're on the same side as me but are just purposefully playing devil's advocate as a joke. you can't seriously be this dimwitted. They aren't thinking, they're just on auto-pilot obeying everything they're told.

i dont care if people die from it. as long as our healthcare system wont collapse, its not an issue to me. the virus will never be gone, we need to move on

Covid was the flu. More people died from lockdowns than from covid

i think thats too strong a claim, it used to be a real threat. now that its mutated and people have immunity, it is like a flu though and anyone who still cling to mandatory restrictions is brain fried

>as long as our healthcare system wont collapse
It will. Americans will be dying from all causes far more rapidly over this coming decade.

least rarted Any Forums user