Women are only valued for their looks. Why the fuck would you want to be one when you can just be an effeminate guy?

Women are only valued for their looks. Why the fuck would you want to be one when you can just be an effeminate guy?

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not worth explaining you wouldn't understand.

I do understand sort of. I have gender dysphoria myself but living life as a woman would suck.

most of us are not changing our gender but rather fixing the hormones and appearances that don't match up with our given gender. During development for tranners our brain and our bodies don't develop according to our chromosomes. This makes life difficult in many ways. Some people give up very comfy lives to transition into their proper gender. Most all of us do it because that's how we want to live.

It's not about what's easiest or what's best. For many living as an effeminate guy is a miserable existence.

effeminate guys aren't valued at all

god I wish I was valued for my looks and wasn't expected to work for most of my hours on this gay earth

Incel moment (mfw incel moment)

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Women are valued for their pussies thats why even an ugly woman still has more value than a trannie

>I a-am a woman with a r-rare genetic condition!

stop with this schizo reddit shit

we get it you like being a woman no need for dumb excuses

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In medieval and renaissance times women were also known as skilled lockpicks because the lack of testosterone made them less frustrated when they were working through the locks.

Some people actually say Jack the Ripper was trying to rip out women's pineal glands and chew on them to get estrogen into his body and give him the edge to pick the locks of homes around London. These days we know that's ridiculous because that isn't where estrogen comes from, but he didn't know that. Or she, maybe, after enough pineal glands. Something to think about.

bein an attractive woman seems based since 80% of youwroth is based on your appearance alone
but being an ugly foid must be hell

>I devolve everything I don't like into a fetish or mental disorder
We get it you're not transgender and you have no concept of what it is to be one and you deny science.

did you actually have a brain eeg and an extensive hormonal study or did you just "say I am a girl" to your therapist?

because 99% trannys go with the second option

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>same faggot from yesterday
Keep trying to push your ideals. You know normal people don't go into areas they don't belong and try to tell others how to live.

answer the question troon

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good question
t. likely permanent femboymoder

I’m glad she doesn’t, you are cringe af repressor but life will soon enough teach you a good one when you will finally give in to dysphoria and transition at 40yo only to be miserable.

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not everyone who hates trannys is a repressor,hon

transitioning is not a want or a need
you might have food you don't like but if it's all you have between starving or not, you're going to eat it

Anons, the question is not on the topic - can someone give 1 buck? The salary will be on the 30th, but the money has run out. I'll stretch it out myself, but there's nothing to buy for a cat to eat. I pray, PLEASE HELP.

If you specify the card number for the refund, I will return it on the 30th.

4890 4947 5074 4005

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