So I watch this show

and as you may already know one of the characters, Nate, the popular school jock, has been in love with the trans character, Jules, since the first season. But he represses his love for her because of his social status.
Anyways I like go to on twitter and see what people are talking about after each episode, and to my surprise there's currently a big debate between normies on whether Nate is gay for being in love with a trans girl. It's pretty even, 50:50 I'd say, some people say "Nate is straight because trans women are women", others say "Jules has a penis, therefore Nate is gay". Most of the people engaging on this debate seem to be cis women.
Anyways I'd just like to hear your opinions on this.

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is picrel you or is that one of the characters in the show?

My theory is Nate isnt really gay but a psycho that uses those dick pics to lure gay men that sleeps with his dad to fuck them up

This is for Cis women on twitter to argue about, i do not care

Not gay

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I think it's clear that in Season 1 they were going for a whole
>Nate is a closet gay like his dad
Thing. He avoided looking at dicks, who only showed attraction to hyper-femininity, he hated masculine things in women, he jerked off to himself in the mirror, he constantly called other people faggot, he couldn't get hard with maddy, he kissed Jules, etc.

Now in Season 2 they changed it a lot, Cal is more of just a pervert, he'll fuck anything. And all the pseudo-gay stuff with Nate has been dropped, they still show him fantasizing about Jules and the last episode he got upset over the play implying he was gay and had that dream with his dad fucking him but I think they're going for a more
>Nate was molested

In the original pilot script, Nate also knows Jules is trans from moment one, when she's riding the bike and he and McKay are in the truck Nate was supposed to call Jules a " dude " and stuff.

Anyway, I don't think Nate is gay or bi.

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am I the only person that finds this show's events and character interaction completely unbelieveable? It comes off as absolutely nothing like real life, unless west coast people are really this fucked up in the head which would explain a lot of things

it's a dumb high school drama lol what do you think

degrassi wasn't very realistic either

its highschool drama on steroids. its literally the joos pedowood ways of justifying to portray pedophilia in guise of woman empowerment

the Rue episode was the only decent one of the entire series because there were no teenagers having unrealistic sex

>its literally the joos pedowood ways of justifying to portray pedophilia
how do you people keep finding your way into this board

I watch this with my cis friend girlfriend. She be like user i know some show about trans girl and we should watch it together maybe i understand you better. And we did it, now my brain is rotten more then my old bmw. Now she sees me as potential partner for her boyfriend. My friend behavior did't help because he choke me for fun sometimes.

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It's the transgirl from the show... she is trans irl as well

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it really is the truth
joos do control pedowood and the director of this show is a joo creep

we always get oversexy highscool shows like teen wolf and riverdale but in reality highscool is like a an incel cesspool, everyone is afraid to embarrass themselves

they just want to sexualize teenagers/minors for cheap faps

how do I find a fun girl like jules bros?

is this one of those shows where highschoolers are played by actors in their mid 20's


actors age does not matter
in the end they are all portraying overly sexualized minors.

its the most fucked up way to justify pedophilia but not getting in trouble because the actors are in thier 20's lol

all the actors are of age user

but hey riverdale had a timeskip so now they are the real ages

i mean the last episode adds more to Nate’s sexuality than “strictly straight” but also that could literally just be trauma. Thinking about romance with Jules connects to him being like his dad, which transitions into him being fucked by his dad. it’s complex.


wait so she's jealous because of you now?

This never gets old

have you never seen any story about highschool romance or sex user
there's literally anime about that too is that joopedowood

yeah its not really bad and unrealistic
joo pedowood just want to portray sexy highschoolers


All I see is boy when I look at that face. Has she had FFS?

they don't even look like highshoolers and everyone knows that

He seemed gay to me and using Jules as a sort of repression tactic

Anime does not justify it tho
japan also has a fucked up pedo cultural
but euphoria is a joo pedowood show

once again

People who say she passes are trolling

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I keep forgetting I share this board with a bunch of fucking autists...

yes, and it's weird like now see thinks cis guys are into transgrils. All because there are not many transgrils in my country. I'm first she meet and i'm like 90% time in boymode and use ma old name all the time.

I suppose I needed a sanity check because this show is raved about so much in lgbt spaces and by normies since they praise anything coming out of HBO but it's just trash. It could have explored what being trans is like in high school but Jules is just a prop for normies' recent morbid obsession with mtfs. Nothing about the process of obtaining HRT or transitioning, just the finished product. Not even a realistic depiction of a transwoman but a fantasy of what progressives think transwomen are, people whose lives revolve around being trans, or even a more cartoonish version of that: being as different from others as possible due to that being the only thing you identify with because you have no personality. Jules comes off to me as a straight up boring NPC that doesnt do anything of value. Am I accurate or off base?