Are antivaxers doomed to become trannies?

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of course, the classic "no sex for you if you dont do X", not falling for this re-run, globohomo.

Vaccine data has been hidden from the public by the CDC, as access to the data may cause vaccine hesitation

Event 201 held by global elite. They repeatedly state depopulation is the goal. Put high fructose corn syrup into everything and genetically modify foods to lower sperm count. Antidepressants are INTENDED to lower sperm count.

Covid created by the elite, gain of function, lowers sperm count, vaccine created by the elite lowers sperm count ( as well as cuasing very serious side effects).

Have fun with VAIDS if you failed the IQ test

1. im already a tranny
2. never taking that poison, enjoy the upcomming cancer and heart attack pandemic, no refunds

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>mfw tttt is redpilled as fuck
well guys, lets prepare for whats coming. thousands of millions will drop dead overnight, whole families will just shut down. thousands of vacant homes in every city, thousands of acres of free land. will you let the state take those? theyll try to declare the zones biohazard, again, the biopolitical excuse. are we going to let them do it again?


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Fuck those niggers and that stupid fuckery

I had Covid and I also take tons of AA and my penis and testicle are same size after 3 years


I've had covid AND the vax and nothing has changed except my sperm count is higher.
What gives?

well antivax hamsters at least

kek i dont think this will happen but i would love nothing more than to form my own faction in a post apocalypse world. organizing and militarizing with my ties and friends with similiar ideas, then taking over territory, eventually building my own country.

its just a fantasy and idk how far i would even get but sounds by far more fun than a dull health and censorship surveillance world what the wef plans + being a qt 5'2 dictator tranny would be hot

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What will the racial demographics look like?

a pandemic that feminizes men? its just like my japanese doujins

Why are men's balls so fragile? Seems gay.


This is a lie, Got the "tired go lay in bed for a few days" episode early on, and I may have also got "the shed" once from being around the jabbed people.

Still cooming thick creamy goodness, and the only thing that changes that is the Tea Tree oil deodorant mixed in the isopropyl spray bottle.

>Well *I* stood in the road and didn't get hit, so standing in the road definitely isn't dangerous. Stop being such a worrywart, mom!

I was a tranner before COVID
I'm pretty sure it was chemicals in the water that turned me into a girl

>What will the racial demographics look like?

The Great Replacement makes sense now huh. Guess what, those 500 million mentioned in the Georgia Guidestones dont include you or me.

Theres a reason every western government has been told to allow mass uncontrolled immigration from low IQ countries. The LGBT folk that survive better hope they can hide it.

It wont be pretty. I live in a city that is 30% white, i know the hell that awaits you all.

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>testosterone decreases while sick
Isn't that normal

Blackrock and Bill Gates already have that covered. Human Settlement Zones according to Agenda 30 ensures you will live in the pod and ask for permission to travel, depending on your carbon footprint. The "Re-Wilding Project" will ban all humans from the countryside.

Trust The Science!

>ok well according to VAERS data this is the mos lt dangerous medicine ever administered by any pharmaceutical company

No! Not That Science!!

>Isn't that normal

Its a New Normal