I have never ghosted anyone in my entire life

I have never ghosted anyone in my entire life.

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I ghosted a cute guy I met here on lgbt when we were going to meet up...


well that's nice of you
I think I ghosted some peeps
mostly out of shame

I block people who creep me out

And ive only been ghosted

i try to talk to people on discord but its so fucking awkward

Cold feet?


That's good that you have avoided hurting people.

I've ghosted around 15 people, I don't have an exact number but about that much over the course of my life. I thought I was BPD but it ended up being PTSD. The psychologist said I enter "trauma response" and then frantically abandon people.

I haven't ghosted in a while and have stable longterm friendships these days.

Yea we met in a chaser thread some time ago and after talking on discord we made plans since we were just 1 state apart. I feel bad about it still

Never too late to deghost.

No, it's just that you're less mentally ill than most people here. Either that or your mental illness just manifests in different ways.

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I have nobody in my life left now because they all ghosted me or I ghosted them

I clapped my hands for you

It's been like a year. I hope he's found someone in that time and I wouldn't want to get in between anything

Can you hug me I got ghosted

*hugs user tightly*
I hope your ghoster comes back.

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I ghost ppl all the time. I never mean to, I just forget to text them back or I don't feel like it. I am very lonely.

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I’ve never ghosted anyone as well op. I autiscatlly Inform them that I don’t want to talk anymore and break from them but not that directly so it always leads to fights and a horrible feeling.

>I have never ghosted anyone in my entire life.
Carry on being a nice person.

I've never made internet friends because I'm afraid I'll upset them, I use Any Forums as a social crutch

i got ghosted a little while back, feels bad

i've ghosted everyone in my entire life

I ghost everyone cause of my avoidant tendencies.
There was this girl at my last job who I really looked up to. She was very cute and always looked super elegant while the rest of us just looked casual and boring af. She was also super nice. She randomly sent me a message months after we had both quit that job and I stopped replying to her very quickly cause I felt she didn't like me.
I wonder why she messaged me. Sometimes I feel like shit for ghosting her cause I think we could've been friends if I hadn't done that but there's no way she actually liked me. I wonder why she wanted to talk to me.