Does electroshock therapy actually work?

Does electroshock therapy actually work?

More than anything I would like to be a straight female but I have crippling dysphoria and am not attracted to men. I’m at the point where I’m considering trying something as extreme as electroshock if it will fix my brain.

>just transition/date women

I refuse to be a freak I want to be happy with a normal family but my mental illness is preventing me.

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It doesn't work

>Does electroshock therapy actually work?
It didnt worked on me, and leaved me with chronic stuttering on tope of that :/

electroshock therapy is literally the modern equivalent to a lobotomy. Even *if* it were to work its by making you too retarded to care, but sexuality and gender identity so deeply ingrained that you would just be making yourself a retard for no reason.

it works for severe depression. it does not however work in the context of conversion therapy.

Not for cuting GD, no. Works for severe depression

Bullshit. Modern equivalent to lobotomy are anti-psychotics, or actual lobotomy ig.

no, it's just an excuse for a bunch of homophobes to give people brain damage

just marry a man & accept yourself.
women naturally have a very mild sense of sexuality, if you build a relationship with a man to the point of loving him you'll be fine with it.

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>just marry a man & accept yourself.

I want to but the idea of being with a man repulses me so much that I would rather kill myself. I cannot find happiness with my brain like this.

Best common sense I've seen in ages.

You need to grow up

uhhh i don't know any woman insane enough to marry an open repressor who could transition on her at any moment, if she knows about your condition it's over she won't have any kind of respect for you as a potential husband anymore

oh nvm i thought op was a repressing mtf, yeah that could work then

I'm pretty sure OP is a repressing MtF who doesn't want to be a transbian

Transition and live as analloerotic. It’s the most respectable lifestyle for trannies anyway. You get a ton of disposable income and can become the richest in your family if you play your cards right.

Marry me. We don’t have to do the sex

yes, it's also known as cbt

rent free

Here's the stitch, sis. When you're sad brain, you have three choices: change the way you view things, change the way you behave or stay sad brain. Its literally that simple. If you can't change your behavior to stop being grossed out by men, well then looks like you're not gonna be a straight girl. If you can't change your thinking to stop feeling disgusted by yourself, well thst sucks if you can't change your behavior. So the only option is stay sad brain. But you don't wanna do thst, do you? Looks like you'll have to change one of the former, then. Choose wisely.

Modern electroshock therapy is the equivalent to shrooms in terms temporarily promoting neuroplasticity.

It's been used to cure autism (the autists regretted it tho)

Find one of the few gay men who still feel like they need a beard
