I wish to unite all AGPs under one banner. Divided we are weak, left fighting each other over petty squabbles...

I wish to unite all AGPs under one banner. Divided we are weak, left fighting each other over petty squabbles. Together we will be an unstoppable force to be feared. With horse and bow we would ride for Tengri, shake the very foundations of civilization and bring it to its knees.

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Woah... I didn't know fapping in your mom's underwear was this powerful...

oh shit

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yikes get your own lol
t. aghstps

based, but what's your plan to unite us? reddit agp spaces are full of reppers, non-repper spaces ban even mentioning it, Any Forums bans us when we congregate, discord is oversocialized cancer and is just a drama farm, etc
where do we meet and embrace our inner girl?!? I can only get by stealthing on fembrained spaces like beauty forums for so long

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If you ever try to unite AGPs they start trying to have sex with each other and then when they realize how unsatisfying the other "woman" is they have an existential crisis (le petit mort)

>m-muh transbians
cope gay fetishist

AGP Undivided

I think all these issues you mentioned are by design. We are censored and persecuted in every place. I wish to liberate our people so badly.

Reppers are a disgrace to their noble race, we have no use for them. Reddit moderators and jannies are traitors because they're often AGP themselves. When my millionaire father dies I want to use my inheritance to buy cheap land in Siberia where we can congregate and live in peace. I would like to organize via democratic vote in order to avoid turning into some abusive cult. Some kind of human rights charter that guarantees a minimum of acceptable treatment for every clan member, banishing those who repeatedly bring harm to others etc. Straight, bi, gay, gamp and asexual AGPs all living in harmony. We would have no use for subreddits, discords or Any Forums there. Before this point I'm not sure. What we really need is to replace the moderation in these key spaces and covertly shift acceptance and self awareness for AGP. We need an AGP general again but without the repressors.

All eggs must hatch.

>When my millionaire father dies I want to use my inheritance to buy cheap land in Siberia where we can congregate and live in peace.
If you want a place that is far more forgiving to live in, homestead in, immigrate to, and is generally much more accepting of tranners as long as you're in the south, look into Argentina and the areas around Buenos Aires. You can immigrate on an investor visa, which requires you to have an income of ~800$ USD a month or around 10k$ a year, then you can apply for permanent citizenship.

Meanwhile, you have easy access to cheap healthcare and cosmetics surgeries, estrogen given out like candy at every pharmacy, and a reasonable route for anyone with a basic job or source of income to move there safely. If you start some sort of commune or farm, the income of it could be enough to "pay" the newest members enough to safely immigrate. This would allow them to access the free socialized healthcare, which includes trans services like HRT, SRS/orchi, even FFS usually.

On top of that, there's no ICE or immigration enforcement that will come hunting them down even if they fail those hurdles for some reason. As long as they didn't go and cause trouble with the police and get ID'd by them, and weren't trying to sign themselves up for he socialized services like healthcare (which is very affordable there even if you have no coverage anyway, as mentioned), nobody would even have to know where they were.

So definitely look into Argentina as a place to setup your trans paradise. Another small pro is that Spanish is fairly easy to learn for any western language speaker, and for the AGPs it also sounds super cute when spoken femininely.

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>You can immigrate on an investor visa, which requires you to have an income of ~800$ USD a month or around 10k$ a year **for two years, then you can apply for permanent citizenship.
missed that detail, mb

Also adding on:

Supposedly even if you fail all the hurdles on immigration, you naturalize anyway after about 3-4 years and can apply for citizenship at that point. It's hard to find a lot of info on this because it's never suggested you immigrate somewhere this way and it's only really mentioned in Argentina's immigration law in their own books, which are all in Spanish and not something the average citizen or immigrant is told about, but it should technically be possible. If someone remains a good citizen for their time there and blends in by speaking the language fluently (about 2 years give or take, get the book Magic Key to Spanish by Margarita Madrigal and learn the Argentinian dialect/vocab for pronunciation and common words online) they would most likely be fine, but that's a risk they'd have to be willing to take. For someone in some of the really terrible countries for trans people, this could be a risk that was well worth it for them. A self-sustained commune with grounded work to do as their destination and living quarters could also help them a lot with keeping them safe and out of trouble while that clock slowly ticks down.

Thanks for the help user, I actually appreciate it.

I've been having obsessive thoughts about a trans society for a while now. How to create it, what it would be like, etc

Can I just kill trannies in Roblox? I don't care.

I haven't lurk around for a while, can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened to /agpg/?

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>weren't trying to sign up for socialized healthcare
imagine thinking that they care, we literally have border hoppers who come to give birth in hospitals here because it's free.
the only downside is that the public system is shite for anything that isn't emergencies and you WILL have to wait for 6 years. Private medical care is not that expensive tho, and is forced to cover trannycare 100% including ffs and srs

>kiwws myself

Are cis agps welcome?

>Reppers are a disgrace to their noble race, we have no use for them.

So you don't actually want any kind of agp unity, you just want a polycule? Got it.

>With horse and bow we would ride for Tengri, shake the very foundations of civilization and bring it to its knees.
Fuck off Hasan you autogynephilic roach

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Virgin agp troon turcomongol vs Chad agp reppper Croat and cis agp Mameluk alliance.