Calling anyone who has an attraction to trans people a "chaser"

>calling anyone who has an attraction to trans people a "chaser"
Are you not actively hurting your own acceptance by doing this?

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I dont get called chaser because I'm attractive and have my life in order.

Its the ugly guys who are losers and only into transwomen because they can't get cis women that get called chasers

it's just a natural result of image board lingoification. its the default term used by both trans and cis people to refer to anyone that likes trans people. personally, i would prefer chaser reserved for people who actually chase or fetishize, but since no other word in english really exists, it stuck.

Chaser is a badge of honour.

A real man would be proud to drill tranners. Only a weak man that is dominated by the approval of others would mind.

All my friends know i fuck tranners, at first they laughed, then they realised idgaf and were like " cool bro, thats your thing"

It is and i will never apologise for god tier taste, especially when i see the drama and bullshit cis women get them involved in.

a chaser isnt someone who's sexually attracted to trans people but someone who fetishises them and is weird about it

Chasers are just the incels of trannies. its like I deserve trad wife types

I've seen normal people who are attracted to trans people being called chasers or repressed trannies by trans people on instagram though.

in that case, the people calling them chasers are stupid. in my opinion at least

>a chaser is anyone open to dating trans but doesn't live up to your insane disney princess standards
Fixed your post for accuracy

t. angy manlet chaser

Am I a chaser if I had cis gfs, don't care about dick and just enjoy how cute and autistic tranners are?

Depends, are you only interested if you don't know they're trans, and then when their panties are off, you rape them and the beat the shit out of them and say "I'm not a faggot that's what you get for being a trap, next time don't lie" thus validating their femininity? Then no, not a chaser.

Does your interest not waver in the slightest when you find out that they were born with a dick? Then yes, chaser, fuck off you fag, you're misgendering her!

Trannies love to be self-defeating.

This. The actual terms is uhh.. trannosexual probably

It's normal? All guys who are into fat women are called chubby chasers.

i am a chaser and i want every tranny i pursue a relationship with to know it. i got a type and i'm not ashamed of that

I got called a ‘chaser’ for asking to hang out with another trans woman, so I don’t know
t. straight tgirl

>you can be attracted to me
>but not as a fetish
Wtf is the point then lol
Every guy fetishizes tits in middle school, because it's a novelty when the girls are sprouting them suddenly.
I think you're too far up your own ass about the psychology of attraction and you took a wrong left turn somewheres. Creeps exist of all orientations.

fetishizing tits and fetishizing the fact that someone is trans are different things. i think we're just arguing semantics tho, my point is don't be creepy. call it a fetish or don't just don't be weird about it.

No it's pretty similar. I want to suck them tiddays and feminine penis.

When my trans gf found out that I think her muscular arms are hot she got mad and called me a chaser. (She is completely feminine and skinny and slender in all parts of her body except her biceps, which just makes her look like a super athletic girl)

But Christ I used to jack off to muscle girls, it isn't a trans thing. my previous cis girlfriends were athletic too. She's the hottest girl I've ever seen, not just the hottest trans girl.

Yeah and you won't find a large breasted woman who takes exception at you obsessing over her tits. They fucking love it. This is another way in which trannies reveal they aren't real women; they aren't carnal enough.

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