Are shrooms a good way to determine if I actually want to start HRT...

Are shrooms a good way to determine if I actually want to start HRT? A friend grows them and I keep going back and forth trying to decide what I actually want :/

Attached: shrooms.jpg (2000x1377, 377.02K)

no because your day-to-day life is whats on the table

sex and drugs = autogynophilia

Why do you think shrooms can help you decide?

Shrooms wouldn't be a good barometer anyway.

Each time you trip on them, you get a different result. Factor in dosage, along with the time, setting, and your current mood, and there's just too many variables.

I meant too many variables to extrapolate anything meaningful.

I'm hoping shrooms can help me take a deeper look inside myself to determine what I actually desire. I'm hoping if I find out its what I actually want it'll be the push I need to do it.

I'm just very scared and don't really have anyone to guide me through my feelings

Sex sex sex sex sex drugs drugs sex drugs do the shrooms

I'm literally doing the same thing and I can report back in two weeks to see what the machine elves said.

Lmao I’m getting them today and will be doing them this week. You’ll be too late user.

0.5g = You'll probably just feel giddy.

1.0g = Paintings will look more interesting. Light (especially sunlight) will look pretty and inviting. Music will take on an other-worldly quality (Think Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush). You'll feel really positive, like you're wrapped in a blanket of pure warmth. Some people just describe this as Euphoria.

You maaaay start to see some visual patterns if you close your eyes. Also, if you close your eyes, you will feel a disconnection from your body; like you're no longer in the place you were in before closing your eyes and like your body is just a warm ball of light.

At 1.0g, this dissociation from your body when you close your eyes might give you the headspace to think about what you want and you'll be cognizant enough to ask yourself questions and write down any answers you come up with.

1.5g = Don't know if there's a difference. Depending on your height and weight, you might need 1.5g to achieve what you'd normally get from 1.0g

2.0g = This is where things get murky and your emotions will start to "bubble up". In addition to visual hallucinations (paintings move, objects appear to "breathe", and you see a kaleidoscope of lights when you close your eyes), you might laugh or cry uncontrollably, or even both at the same time.

Usually, something that has been bothering you, but you don't want to think about, will come to the surface and you'll be able to confront it and usually be able to move on afterwards. That "something" might be the question on your mind or something else. Either way, you'll be left with many insightful thoughts.

As a side note, when people talk about bad trips on shrooms, I strongly believe those occur when that "something" they tried to confront, overwhelmed their emotions and gave them anxiety.

3.0g - 7.0g = Not enjoyable and you might run into "Ego Death".

of course you're a fucking lightweight. absolutely insufferable.
op you need to drone strike your ego and build back better as an atomized entity free from your prior misconceptions. de-spook yourself. 5g should get it done or 25mg of 4-aco-dmt, alternatively

>machine elves

OP, don't listen to this degenerate.

Taking 5g would be akin to having "psychic surgery" performed on your "sense of self".

Your personality would be chopped up into a thousand pieces, along with your way of thinking, and they would be reassembled in a different order, causing new pieces to be created to fill in the gaps where the old segments don't quite fit together, and some of the old pieces would change shape, which means they could be said to no longer exist at all.

After your trip, for several months or even a year, even after all the chemicals have left your system, you will feel "different" / "off" or like the world is "different".

The world wouldn't have changed. What will have changed is your perception of reality because your personality will have changed and this difference you will feel is your mind slowly realigning itself with your new personality.

This rending of personal traits might sound intriguing, because you think it might allow you to rid yourself of things you don't like about your personality, but it's not a targeted approach and their could be collateral damage on the traits that you DO like about yourself.

>This rending of personal traits might sound intriguing, because you think it might allow you to rid yourself of things you don't like about your personality, but it's not a targeted approach and their could be collateral damage on the traits that you DO like about yourself.
Different user, but that's very interesting, could you give some examples of what can happen?

Been driving
He’s bringing me 3.5g
I’ll just take less then, probably around 2.5, I’m short but I’m somewhat heavy.

Last time I tried shrooms it took 5 hours for them to kick in, hoping this time it won’t

>Different user, but that's very interesting, could you give some examples of what can happen?

Attached: it's_that_bad.jpg (596x204, 58.31K)

No shrooms are not meant to be taken while you have something heavy on your mind, it's not going to help. Take them when you feel comfortable and whatever comes to you while you trip you just let it happen. If you try to force something with shrooms you're gonna have a bad time m'kay?

>says exactly what i said with 5x as many words to sound profound
>trying to fit in with people half your age
rope giganiggahon

>I'm literally doing the same thing and I can report back in two weeks to see what the machine elves said.
I think that's DMT, not psilocybin

I'm not taking a side in this debate but this is an example of why Any Forums, and this sub in particular, is one of the only decent social media platforms. You're not gonna get this anywhere else.

How the fuck do you even get shrooms anyway. I don't know anyone who i could buy them from and no fucking way I trust myself enough to forage for shooms. I have no desire to eat the shit yourself to death kind.

not really they aren't linked to transgenderism really. I think everyone should try them at least once however.

If you don’t know someone grow them yourself. I think the spores themselves are legal in the US

you can find that type of stuff on reddit bro or like anywhere on the internet