Anyone else hit "Don't Recommend Channel" on Contra's vids?

Anyone else hit "Don't Recommend Channel" on Contra's vids?

Attached: conmilo.jpg (1129x821, 115.9K)

Why is Youtube recommending you Contrashit to begin with? It's time to clean your watch and search history a bit.

Brutal skullmog

its funny because theyre mogging eachother

Today I'm gonna eat that pizza I shoplifted from tesco whilst drunk. I will put extra cheese on it cause I'm trying to gain weight for curves. I don't know what to watch whilst I eat it. I like cartoons but think I've seen most of the good ones.

She needs to get rid of that

what other kinda stuff do you like to watch

I like trippy movies, youtube videos about engineering and anything with lots of diagrams cause autism

ever played space station 13?

A little bit yeah, I never got into the meat of the game though, just kinda messed around.

it has some engineering autism stuff in it. i dont understand it myself but it scratches the itch for some autistic people. by trippy movies do you mean like david lynch stuff?

I'll give it another look sometime. I like some david lynch but I more mean stuff I can watch high and enjoy the visuals of, most lynch has a lotta stuff that will boop me out if I'm stoned.

holy AGP transtrender batman!

>nooo you cant have interests!

Male brained interests, AGP (which stands for Auto Gynephilia (Which is a male fetish (Which makes you not a real woman (Which makes you a cringe incel faggot (But not a faggot in a gay way because if you were a gay faggot you’d be a based HSTS, but you’re not, faggot))))


that's nice


This is the first time I see a mutual mog

Milo Stewart needs corrective rape in Liberia, Hontra is based. If insubstantial.

>implying I get hontras videos suggested to me
I don't need my opinions dictated to me by some mouth breather with a cam corder

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